Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Go Blank Yourself Essay

Why students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. Why students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. Why students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personalWhy students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why peWhy students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. AnothWhy students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too verwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. er reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a re lationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. ple drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. Why students flunk out of college can not be pin pointed to one thing. There are very many reasons why people drop out of college like for instance, a student may be too overwhelmed with his or her whole college schedule. Also, a student may also be overwhelmed with his or her work schedule on top of their busy college classes. Another reason students may drop out of school is because of personal problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student. problems, whether it may be family related or a relationship problems, they to can be very stressful on a student.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Agency Problem in SOEs of China

Agency problem is a worldwide problem wherever it is in western countries or China. It is inevitable during the development of the firm†s organization. As long as the interests between the owner and management are not aligned, the conflict is existed. Many western firms have established the rules and incentive systems to prevent â€Å"agency problem†. Somehow it works. We find it is not enough to overcome the problem. China has undergone a long period economic reform. During the reform, how to improve the SOEs performance is a hot focus. In the past, all the SOEs were controlled by the government, what the companies† doing were decided by the government, then on one side the executives did not take the full responsibility for the company; on the other side, the officer blamed the managers for the bad performance. There are no clear boundary on the space of freedom and responsibilities. (see Georges Enderle) The â€Å"agency problem† became even worse because of this phenomenon. Now China has tried a lot of methods to establish the modern organization of SOEs. The boundary between the government and the executives of SOEs has been clearly set. Some SOES have been published. However we find that the â€Å"agency problem† still exist more or less and the business ethics do be involved. And business ethics can play a virtually important role in dealing with the â€Å"agency problem during the economic reform. 2. Definition of † agency problem† Before we go further, we need to define what is agent and what is agency problem. Agent is the entity where Management represents owners; the agency relationship is the relationship between the principal and the agent, in which the agency acts for the principal. And what is agency problem? The agency problem results from the separation of management and the ownership of the firm. Agency problem can be clarified as the followings: Agents may consume excessive perks. Agents may shirk (not expend their best efforts). Agents may act in their best interest (instead of the interest of the principal). 3. Why does â€Å"Agency Problem† happen? On the very beginning, most firms were based on the family and their management was the members within the family, and there was not agency problem at all, because the management and ownership were aligned, no interest conflict. As the firms grow, it seems they need high management skills and the existed relationship within the management restricted the growth of the firms. Furthermore, it was much more difficult to raise new equity. Then they hired the professional managers to act as the owners. The agency problem is followed as this organization comes out. Due to the interest is not alignment between the managers and the owners, more or less the managers will pursuit their own profit instead of the owners, which we thought is unethical because of the space of freedom and responsibility are not matched. (see Georges Enderle) and we will discuss later. Although the goal of the firm is the maximization of shareholder†s wealth, in reality the agency problem may interfere with the implementation of this goal. The agency problem results from the separation of management and the ownership of the firm. For example, a firm maybe runs by the professional managers who have little or no ownership in the firm. Because of this separation of the decision-makers and owners, managers may make decisions that are not in line with the goal of maximization of shareholder wealth. They may approach work less energetically and attempt to benefit themselves in terms of salary and perquisites at the expense of shareholders. The cost of â€Å"Agency problem† is obvious. There are the monitoring costs, bonding costs and the residual loss. Monitoring costs are costs incurred by the principle to monitor the actions of the agents (Ex. Annual report to shareholders). Bonding costs are costs incurred by the agent to ensure they will act in the best interests of the principals (binding employment contract). The residual loss is the implicit cost when management and shareholders† interests cannot be aligned, even when bonding and monitoring costs are incurred. We will spend considerable time in monitoring managers and trying to align their interests with shareholders. Managers can be monitored by auditing financial statements and bonded by managers† compensation packages. The interests of managers and shareholders can be aligned by establishing management stock options, bonuses, and perquisites that are directly tired to how closely their decisions coincide with the interest of shareholders. The agency problem will persist unless an incentive structures set up that aligns the interests of managers and shareholders. In other words, what is good for shareholders must also be good for managers. If that is not the case, managers will make decisions in their best interest rather than maximizing shareholder wealth. 4. Does incentives or regulations eliminate the † Agency Problem†? A high level of compensation can result from a pay-for-performance system in which the executive has performed extremely well, or it can be the result of the agency problem, Where the executive is taking advantage of the system. Keep in mind that an executive compensation committee, appointed by the firm†s board of directors, generally recommends the CEO†s compensation package. Also keep in mind the board of directors, although elected by the shareholders, is generally nominated for election by the CEO and thus may be more sympathetic to the CEO†s desires than to the shareholders† best interests. This opens the door for † good old boy† networks to take care of their own and set up a compensation package that rewards, regardless of performance, without attempting to align managers† and shareholders† interests. So it is essential to establish a good controlling and monitoring system, but since it does not work so well or we have not find a perfect mechanical system to prevent it up to now. How should we do then? It is the ethical behavior that † doing the right thing†. A difficulty arises, however, in attempting to define â€Å"doing the right thing†. The problem is that each of us has his or her own set of values, which forms the basis for our personal judgments about what is the right thing to do. Every society adopts a set of rules or laws that prescribe what it believes to be † doing the right thing.† In a sense, we can think of laws as a set of rules that reflect the values of the society as a whole, as they have evolved. However, not all the â€Å"agency problem† has been against the law. As the individuals, they have a right to disagree about what constitutes â€Å"doing the right thing† and we will seldom venture beyond the basic notion that ethical conduct involves abiding by society†s rules. And some of the ethical dilemmas that have arisen with regard to the † agency problem†. These dilemmas generally arise when some individual behavior is ground to be at odds with the wishes of a large portion of the population, even though the behavior is not prohibited within law. Ethical dilemmas can therefore provide a catalyst for discussion. † Is ethics really relevant?† the answer is â€Å"Yes.† First, although business errors can be forgiven, ethical errors tend to end careers and terminate future opportunities. Because unethical behavior eliminates trust, and without trust businesses can not interact. Second, the most damaging event a business can experience is a loss of the public†s confidence in its ethical standards. 5. The agency problems in SOES do involve business ethics dimension. By the definition of the â€Å"agency problem† in the SOEs in China, the managers assigned or appointed are the agents, who manage the assets of the principal.(the country) They have a lot of authorities regarding personnel, funds and fixed assets etc., but they don†t have the corresponding responsibilities. The situation is a result of the mismatch of the space of freedom and responsibility as indicated by Georges Enderle. According to what Prof. Georges Enderle said, the space of freedom and responsibility should match with each other. On one hand, it is unfair for someone to be held responsible for something if he or she doesn†t have the freedom to make decision on it. On the other hand, it will be dangerous for someone to only enjoy the space of freedom without any or less constraints or responsibility. Sooner or later, he or she will abuse the authority to achieve for his or her own interests by hurting others. During the reform of the SOEs organization, the managers are granted with even more authorities for them to better manage their companies. But unfortunately, some managers undertake some unethical or even illegal activities to act against their companies and the country, which has caused a huge loss for our country. It was reported that total lost assets of the country amounted to about RMB 50 billion to 100 billion during the 1990†³s. The main reasons are that the managers of the SOES take advantages of their prevailed positions to gain personal interests for themselves. But they don†t really worry about the loss because they will not be responsible for that. Please read the following case: XXX Company is one of the largest SOES in Guizhou Province. Started from the 1980†³s, the company went into a very difficult situation, making a greater loss every year. Oct. 27, 1999, an extremely shocking news exploded the company: Guifang Jing, the 54-year old, female financial manager were involved in corruption of over RMB7 million. Very soon, she confessed that it was she that took advantage of her position and her professional knowledge to manipulate the financial statements and embezzle the company†s assets. At the beginning, she got involved in the bank accounts transaction directly by using as excuse that the cashier was not familiar with it. She hid 325 bank accounts in total, which amounted to RMB 57 billion in total. At the meantime, she played a lot of tricks in distorting the bank checks and gained RMB12 billion in total. After she embezzled so much money, she started to have an abnormal mentality. One time, when she found that the company still had some cash balance in the bank, she felt very sorry for not having taking out for herself†¦. One day when she was on the business trip, one financial clerk of the company found that one bank check of several ten thousand RMB was missing and he reported to the general manager and the latter reported to the police. Guifang Jing smelt that the police would start investigate very soon. After pondering over for several nights, she eventually recovered her conscience and decided to give herself to the police. Let†s analyze the case. It is true that she broke the law. But if her business ethics had been good enough, she would have not got involved in such illegal and unethical behavior. She was assigned and trusted by the shareholder to have the authority to manage the company assets, but she betrayed her company by abusing her space of freedom, especially when the company was in such a difficult situation. At that time she should have used her professional knowledge and cooperated with her colleagues to improve the financial performance of the company. Another reason was that there was no healthy corporate culture in the company. Employees were not encouraged and rewarded for making contributions to the company. So nobody really cared about the company. That kind of environment gave Guifang Jing opportunities to corrupt such a great amount of money. Upon knowing that the police would investigate the missing bank check, she decided to confess to the police to avoid more serious punishment. Actually, she was at the first stage of Konhlber-Inspired Typology of Ethical Dilemmas. If she had been in a higher stage, for instance, Stage 4 Conform to rules, laws, code, and conventions, or even higher, Stage 5 Follow principles based on respect for people and their rights, she would have not got involved to this crime. But we must be clear that the case of Guifang Jing was only one of the similar cases that happened in the SOEs in the country. Obviously the companies and the whole country need to take action to improve the business ethics, to foster a good and ethical business environment. So far, we have understood why the incentives and regulations cannot and will not solve the agency problems. The agency problems do involve business ethics dimension. Then there is a base for business ethics to play an important role in dealing with the agency problems. As common sense, human acquires knowledge through education, formal or informal. Without education (in a broad sense), people cannot understand the nature and the society. They won†t have their values developed in the process of learning and practice. Of course, they won†t act according to the social behavior orders and norms. Business ethics aims to discuss the business conduct/activities that raise moral issues and to improve â€Å"the ethical quality of decision-making process at all levels†: micro-, meso-, and macro-level (Enderle) through education.

Methods of instruction Essay

Education is like taking a whole series of journeys. There are destinations and there are different routes to those destinations. In the most common approach, the teacher determines both the destination and the route, that is, he or she decides what is to be studied and how. Many educators recognize the importance of talk as a route in teaching, and many consider teaching as an interactive process. But because learners now had so little attention span to lectures, it pauses a challenge to teachers to look for ways to attract their attention to classroom learning. Creating a situation conducive for learning can be facilitated by introducing various teaching strategies. As it is important that both the teacher and the learners know whether they are on the right track or not and whether the journey has been satisfactorily completed or not, regular assessment is also needed. Parents , school officials and employers also require information about students progress. TEACHING STRATEGIES Teaching strategies deals with teaching-learning procedures that encourage active learning to take place. It suggests a variety of routes that aim to expose students’ prior knowledge and challenge it in such a way that students want to make delve into new concept areas and new understanding. Meaningful learning results when students can relate new information with what they already know. In selecting appropriate strategies, teachers should consider their own objective, understanding of how students learn; and the desire or teach in a way which caters to the individual needs of the students n the classroom. A. Strategies Involving Interaction and Collaboration Many strategies which elicit student’s active participation in learning use group work. Groups can find solution to problems, brainstorm and undertake open-ended investigation or teacher-directed investigations. These strategies give students a chance to work and learn together, and to interact and collaborate with other students and with the teacher. 1. Brainstorming is a simple strategy of group discussion designed to collect ideas without criticism and restrictions from others through free expression of thoughts that leads to the possible solution to problems. The advantage of this strategy is that it removes inhibitions, thereby developing self confidence among members. It is best used in discussing social and environmental issues. 2. Problem Solving is a student centered strategy which requires students to find either a scientific or technological solution to problems. It helps students to develop the necessary process skills to become successful problem-solvers. Students are given the chance to display their own initiative, inventiveness, and persistence. Problem-solving could be used after students have gained substantial knowledge of relevant scientific ideas and appropriate practical techniques. 3. Open-ended Investigation is similar to problem solving but here, the students are given considerable amount of choice concerning what they might choose to investigate and how they will go about it. It allows students to demonstrate the scientific and investigative skills rather than the knowledge gained in that particular investigation. 4. Teacher- directed Investigation is a strategy which takes the students through aseries of teacher-planned instructions given for each step in the procedure. Though highly structured, it is designed as a discovery task so that all students record a similar set of results and make inferences. Strategies Involving Transformation Active thinking involves the skilled use of important media: talking, listening, reading writing, pictorial representation, three-dimensional models, play or drama, etc. A. Translation provides opportunities for the students to alter the form of their understanding. For example, students can simplify a more complicated text, diagram, flowchart or procedure for their classmates. In doing so they are challenged to develop a clear understanding of the original text. This engages them into thinking, talking and further exploration. B. Role Play poses a challenge to students to do their best in acting out a basic concept or phenomenon. It provides students opportunities to respond and analyze a range of viewpoints about an issue with the intension of reaching a personal view on the issue. Though it varies from teacher to teacher, role playing has a number of important stages which are as follows; 1. Warming up the group- identify problem; introduce some of the issues which will be raised by the role play; explain role playing. 2. Selecting Participants- analyze roles, select role players. 3. Setting the stage- role players outline the scene. 4.. Enacting- role players enact the situation. 5. Discussing and Evaluating- review role play; discuss issues raised; relate problem situation to real experience. C. Games can provide variety as a change from other classroom activities. They are generally used to reinforce particular items of knowledge. These can be developed in such a way that they will require students to search for new information or strengthen ideas previously known. D. Reporting Back is a sharing process that involves a small group presenting its findings to the rest of the class. The report can take any form i. e. , written, chart, pictorial representation, etc. ). In preparing the report , the group could be involved in transformation, translation, collaboration, reflection(valuing) , and asking questions. E. Model Building gives students the task of making representations of abstract ideas and helps them develop a broader understanding of the concepts. In model building, the teacher may either provide a step by step procedure with the set of materials required to produce almost identical models. If more creative solutions and wider variety of outcomes are expected, a less structured set of instructions and wider range of materials may be provided. Strategies on Knowledge Acquisition Strategies which focus on knowledge acquisition are concept formation or concept attainment, Predict-Observe-Explain, and concept mapping. Thses teaching strategies enable students to formulate new ideas based on their previous knowledge and experience. They give students the chance to rethink and change their misconceptions. A. CONCEPT MAPPING – a concept map is a visual, structure representation of concept and their interrelationships. The simplest concept map would consist of two concepts linked by logical connectives. Concepts are terms in boxes and the verb or logical connectives are called prepositions which are explanatory notes describing the relationships. It is used as a learning or diagnostic device which helps a learner to change or modify his understanding of the concept as he makes associations with a wider array of concepts and specific propositions. It also serves as a guide for the teacher during the classroom interaction and as a chapter summary for students. Guidelines for constructing concept map should be well defined, such as 1. identifying the central concept and key subordinate concepts of the lesson to be mapped.. 2. arrange the concepts in hierarchy from the most inclusive, most abstract and general concepts to the least inclusive, most concrete and specific. 3. Place the concepts down the map. Highlight each concept by enclosing in a box. 4. Connect the concepts that are related by drawing lines with arrows between them 5. Carefully describe the nature of relationship by adding proposition for each relationship line. B. PREDICT-OBSERVE-EXPLAIN (PROBEX) develops students’ ability to form hypothesis, make accurate observations and offer plausible explanations. It challenges the students to think and gives them a certain degree of satisfaction when their predictions jibe with the observations. Steps: I. PREDICT 1. Teacher shows/demonstrates a phenomenon which is reasonably familiar to the students 2. Teacher changes one factor in her demonstration and asks students to predict what might happen. 3.. teacher manages predictions – may be group or individual predictions written on the board or on a paper or given orally. I. OBSERVE 1. Demonstrate or have students perform the changed situation. 2. Students record observations and repeat activity if necessary. 3. Teacher checks observations. II. EXPLAIN 1. Teacher employs various methods at this stage, e. g. , students may give explanations individually or in groups. 2. Teacher summarizes and checks explanations. Teaching strategies could vary in many directions and many forms. It is now dependent on the teacher to modify basic knowledge on different teaching strategies that would best fit the lesson and the learners as well. EVALUATION In order to assess the success of a given teaching strategy, student learning, should be assessed/evaluated. Measuring students learning is a means by which teachers can keep track of what they have learned and understood. It is important that whenever a test is constructed, all levels of learning are assessed. It should be emphasized that assessment is not an end –of-topic activity but rather a part of their ongoing task in the classroom. Thus, it can provide a framework in which student’s progress is chartered and expressed. Furtheremore, assessment helps teachers to effectively plan the next step in the student’s learning.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Homeostasis in humans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homeostasis in humans - Essay Example Homeostasis includes control of blood water balance, sugar level, temperature and urea in the blood. Cells combine to form tissues which form organs. Fluids contained in the cells are referred to as intracellular fluid while the fluid surrounding the cells are extracellular fluids. Nutrients such as glucose, oxygen and water are supplied through the extracellular fluid. (Chiras, 2003) The main body organs that are used to maintain homeostasis include the brain which has different parts responsible for various body functions, the liver and the kidneys and the skin. To achieve coordination, sensors in the various body organs send signals to the brain. Looking superficially at the functions of these organs as pertains to homeostasis, the brain has three main roles in homeostasis which are executed by the hypothalamus, the autonomous nervous system and the endocrine system which has the pituitary gland as the master gland which controls and oversees the working of all other hormone producing parts of the body. The negative feedback works to maintain an optimum value which represents a set point in homeostasis. When a condition deviates, this corrective mechanism returns it to norm. In order for it to be functional the receptors detect the change while the effectors carry out the corrective measures. The brain is the control centre that coordinates this response. If the deviations are not corrected, further deviation occurs and this is referred to as positive feedback. For instance, glucose is transported to the blood. In case of rise in the blood sugar, for example after a meal, regulation would involve both the pancreas and the liver. In the pancreas, there are Islets of Langerhans which are groups of a special cells that secrete more insulin and less glucagon. For a system to attain a sustainable system, both the negative and positive feedbacks should be present. The lungs homeostatic functions involve regulation of pH and gaseous exchange

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analysis of Contemporary Health Care Issue Term Paper

Analysis of Contemporary Health Care Issue - Term Paper Example It has forced several individuals to work two or more job to sustain themselves. Most of these jobs are two to three hours long, which has forced people to seek multiple jobs to cover costs. With the current job situation, it is becoming difficult for individuals to pay for medical insurance. The loophole that firms have adopted is employment on a short-term basis. This allows companies to have employees on a temporary basis; hence, they do not provide any medical cover. This pushes the responsibility onto the employees to pay for their own health care, which is why the health care act is under scrutiny. The nature of the medical insurance mandate is forcing individuals to tighten up their budgets. This factor is more evident in the tax structure and the underserved population in the US economy. The general structure of the US system highlights that the richer (high earnings) you are, the less tax an individual will pay. This illustrates that high income earners have more disposable income to pay for quality medical insurance, which amounts to approximately 10% of the American population. Therefore, 90% are left to struggle with the constraints of the tax system and the deteriorating state of the employment state in the US. (BLS, 2012) The health care act has generated a lot of debate, attributed to the mandatory nature of each individual having to pay for medical insurance. The current conditions of the profit-oriented industry have made it difficult for employees to purchase or obtain medical cover on their own salaries. It has become increasingly difficult to sustain or keep a job, because organizations are focused on reducing costs, which is catalyzed by low revenue and sales (Wessling, 2012). it has caused a cycle in which a lack of money is causing unemployment and underperformance from companies in the US. On average, firms are making losses of about 10%, which has

Saturday, July 27, 2019

PHIL 102 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PHIL 102 - Essay Example In light of this, ethics requires moderation to the extent that they do not constitute nuisance and hinders individual’s wishes. Ethical consideration thus denies one the opportunity to double up the art of being good and exercising freedom simultaneously, one has to opt for one of the two if ethics remains your benchmark. In most cases, with the rational as stated in the ethical code of conduct be it conventional or statutory, one must forgo either of the two provisions. This is to the extent that if you opt to be ethical, you have to forgo the freedom segment, the same applies when you disregard ethics and acquire the freedom, and one will have to forgo doing well. I believe that this position is not outright in all the cases, since it only remains significant if a consideration to be made is held ethically. Prominent philosophers did explain the relationship between ethics, personal freedom and the art of doing good. Aristotle brought forth the theory of virtue, in this theory; he started unequivocally that for one to be considered a good man, he must live a life that demonstrates his intentions to achieve what he considered as goals tailored to every man. Apparently, Aristotle was attempting to answer a question from Socrates that sought to know how man should live. According to the Socrates version, it was impossible to lead a life devoid of any form of conflicts; as he selectively resolves that egoism is one of the factors that make individuals lead a life of contradiction. The contradiction in this case is the inability to harbor freedom and remains good in pursuit of ethics. In this case, being ethical shows that contradiction or rather the two provisions remain to be interchangeable depending on the individual’s preference. Since the principal role of instituting ethics is for the moderation of the human conduct and helping reach the most moral and objective judgment, it needs to be rationalize for the sake of making it impossible in comparing

Friday, July 26, 2019

Biological Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Biological - Essay Example Policy makers as well as the public deserve to get adequate information on the scientific justifications behind the work of scientists, and also the moral justifications for their work, particularly in the cases that it raises moral questions (Smith, 2009). This paper will present a case against the use of nonhuman animals in biomedical research, with reference to pertinent ethical and scientific arguments. There is not a time, in the past, when a very honest and open debate regarding the scientific experimentation that uses animals was more important. A discourse about the use of animals in scientific experimentations is highly called for, taking into account that there are many moral, ethical and social dilemmas surrounding the use of animals in scientific experimentation (Conn and Parker, 2008). Through this paper, the author will present the case against the use of nonhuman animals in biomedical experimentation, with the aim of informing the public about the issues that need to be explored before the practice is legalized or allowed to continue. The criticisms leveled against the use of nonhuman animals in biomedical research are grounded on a variety of ethical and scientific arguments. Some of the criticisms presented against the use of nonhuman animals in biomedical research range from those questioning the validity of the scientific research to the advancement of human medical practices, to those questioning the ethical nature of such research. The first argument against the administration of biomedical research using animals is that the use of animals has remained debatable, with regards to whether it is ethically permissible and allowable (Rollin, 2006). This argument is supported by the moral philosophers that have presented moral/ethical issues that cannot dismissed without a good reason. It is important to take into account that the moral boundaries defining relations are dynamic,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Career In Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

A Career In Marketing - Case Study Example After reviewing the great diversity of careers that are available to the individual interested in a career in marketing, I was particularly drawn to a career in public relations. Public relations and market outreach is a field that interests me because it goes beyond merely marketing a product and directly incorporates elements of social interaction and company representation. In such a way, the individual who works within such a career is ultimately responsible for seeking to challenge public opinion and represent the firm/organization in the time of difficulties and in times of success. Ultimately, it is the challenge of such a position that is attractive due to the fact that many individuals employed in public relations type marketing jobs have had the distinct ability to fundamentally alter the means by which the public views the firm and the ultimate product or service offerings they represent. Such is not the norm however but it is a possibility for the individual that works in such a field. With respect to the particular type of skills and knowledge that is required for such a job, the website that was analyzed to inform his report stated that a degree in good standing from a four-year university or college was ultimately a requirement. Although there was no experience requirement for beginning within such a career, ultimately representing the firm to the public would be something that would most certainly require much experience as well as supreme command of verbal and written skills.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Financial management (final exam) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial management (final exam) - Essay Example Therefore, the results of both techniques will be different because of the differences between the assumptions of both techniques. Question 2 Part A a) Project A Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 3,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 Discount Factor (8%) 1.0000 0.9259 0.8573 0.7938 0.7350 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 2,777,778 6,001,372 7,144,490 11,025,448 Net Present Value 6,949,087 Project B Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 10,000,000 8,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 Discount Factor (8%) 1.0000 0.9259 0.8573 0.7938 0.7350 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 9,259,259 6,858,711 3,969,161 3,675,149 Net Present Value 3,762,280 Based on the above results it can be clearly observed that Project A has generated higher NPV therefore, it should be accepted. b) Project A Profitability Index = PV of Future Cash Flows    Initial Investment    = 26949087/20000000    = 1.35 Project B Profitability Index = PV of Future Cash Flows    Initial Investment    = 14503021/20000000    = 0.73 Since the Profitability Index of Project A is greater than 1, therefore this project should be accepted. c) IRR based on Trial & Error Method Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 3,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 Discount Factor (17.5%) 1.0000 0.8511 0.7243 0.6164 0.5246 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 2,553,191 5,070,167 5,547,904 7,869,367 Net Present Value 1,040,630       Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 3,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 Discount Factor (18.5%) 1.0000 0.8439 0.7121 0.6010 0.5071 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 2,531,646 4,984,956 5,408,632 7,607,078 Net Present Value 532,312       Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 3,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 Discount Factor (19.5%) 1.0000 0.8368 0.7003 0.5860 0.4904 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 2,510,460 4,901,875 5,273,984 7,355,626 Net Present Value 41, 945       Years 0 1 2 3 4 Initial Investment (20,000,000) Cash Flows 3,000,000 7,000,000 9,000,000 15,000,000 Discount Factor (19.58%) 1.0000 0.8362 0.6992 0.5847 0.4889 Discounted Cash Flows (20,000,000) 2,508,629 4,894,727 5,262,453 7,334,191 Net Present Value 0 d) Since the IRR of is 19.58% therefore it should be accepted because it is earning more than the double of the cost of capital of the company. e) Advantages of NPV NPV provides the total benefit in the form of currency amount. NPV is easy to calculate and understand. NPV is an absolute measure and provides the results of the project in isolation. Advantages of IRR IRR provides the answer in percentage form. IRR provides the net excess percentage over cost of capital. IRR is relative measure, which makes it comparable to other projects. Part B Steps in Capital Budgeting Typical steps in the process of capital budgeting are: 1. Brainstorming: the most important step in capital budgeting process is to generate good ideas for investments, which comes from brainstorming. 2. Capital Budget Planning: In this step, the company

The Future of Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Future of Nursing - Essay Example Among the key contents of the report are recommendations by IOM on the future of nursing education in America. The report recommended that nurses should adopt the culture of full implementation of what they acquire during their education and training. American nurses should be proficient in their duties through the pursuit of education up to higher levels of learning to promote perfection, consistency, and coherence in nursing care. Recommendations outline in the report advocate full collaborating among physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning the health sector. Similarly, the report outlines enhanced information base for nurses, efficient labor planning, and improved data collection. The second recommendation of the report emphasized the need to revolutionize nursing education sector by achieving higher levels of education and training for all professionals. Recommended reforms in education are imperative in providing consistent and coherent academic progression in nursing education. Over the past, American nursing sector underwent several reforms aimed at enhancing the value of education for professionals. Reforms in nursing education are imperative in improving competence among professionals. Most reforms in American nursing education had positive impacts on the minimum level of education required for professionals before accreditation. For instance, reforms in the nursing sector outlined provision for a minimum of as Bachelor of Science in Nursing Degree. IOM report recommended that at least 80 percent of nurses in every federal health care facility should have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Aiken, 2011). Reforms shifted the focus towards employing only nu rses possessing Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The change of demand to Bachelor of Science in Nursing has prompted revision of curricula in the institutions of higher learning providing the course. Apparently, most nurses in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Honor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Honor - Essay Example The Merriam Webster dictionary defines honour an ardent sense of what is described as ethical conduct. However, it is somewhat difficult to give the actual definition of honour in the modern times. The term may appear to have the same literal meaning in various languages however, various acts and behaviours are viewed as being honourable in the various cultures. This essay gives my own definition of the concept of honour and how its examples in the modern world. In my opinion honour is the ability of individuals to be themselves. Additionally, it refers to the ability of individuals to think independently and doing what they deem to be right. This is my definition of honour given the modern society is characterized by brainwashed people with justified opinions in all issues affecting society (Dailey 7). It takes an honourable individual with a real self-worth to think and act independently regardless of the trends in society or what other people think. In history, there have been honourable individuals that have set the example for the current and future generations. Honour has various meanings to different people. To some individuals, standing up for the rights of the minority is being honourable. Others may describe the missionaries serving in African countries as the best gesture on honour. While there believe that a soldier dying in war while fighting for their country as being honourable (Dailey 8). While these deeds are viewed as being honourable, they all revolve around the point that honour refers to the act of doing what is right. The individuals that advocated for the rights of the majority do it because it is right. The same applies for missionaries that go to African countries to preach the word of God. Finally, the soldiers that die in war do it to protect the rights and freedom of the citizens. While these incidences may vary, they have a major and common aspect, in all instances; these

Monday, July 22, 2019

Break-Even Point of Industry Essay Example for Free

Break-Even Point of Industry Essay 1. Airbus’ Interests Objectives First of all, the large and cost-efficient A3XX would be popular with significant growth in the air transportation industry. Worldwide passenger traffic would almost triple in volume by 2019, with fuel price rising in the future. Creating large and cost-efficient aircrafts, rather than increasing frequencies and building new routes, would be the long-term solutions to the problem of growing demand. Therefore, this project will be strategically significant. Secondly, Airbus wants to gain market shares in the VLA market and break up the monopoly of the 747, but it didn’t have a product to compete with Boeing’s 747. Compared to the 747, the A3XX provides more advantageous features which would attract passengers especially on the longer routes, such as more space per seat, four-engine plane, etc. The combination of increased capacity and reduced costs would provide superior economics. Airbus felt confident that capacity increases would eventually prevail. As we stated above, Airbus’s objectives are to break up the monopoly of the 747, to increase its market share in the VLA market, to gain enormous financial success and to be an industry leader. 2. Break-Even Point Market Demand Production will be able to reach full capacity from 2008, with order and delivery assumed on a stable level. During this period, the capital expenditure will be offset by depreciation in calculation of free cash flow, and RD will be included in the operating margin. The company, as assumed, will produce and deliver 22 aircrafts for the airlines which have ordered, with 6 in 2006 and 16 in 2007. Since $700 million would have already been spent before the decision, this amount of investment should be treated as sunk cost, therefore irrelevant to the NPV analysis. To break even, with assumed operating margin of 18%, Airbus should produce and sell about 40 VLAs every year since 2008, or 495 in total before 2019. Taking the estimated margin from Lehman Brothers and CS First Boston into consideration, total orders needed for break-even can range from 306 to 509 in 20 years. From the view of Airbus, the market demand for VLA, 1550 in years, is large enough to take this project. And it is pretty safe to launch the development since, even with lowest estimated margin, 38% of total market share will guarantee a break-even. However, Boeing gives a totally different perspective and a much lower forecast on potential market demand. Under this estimation, A3XX development will have little chance to make a profit. Airbus should take at least half a market on VLA to make that project fruitful. 3. Boeing’s Response Based on the analysis before, the VLA market is so promising that Airbus is very likely to launch the A3XX. Facing with this threat, the most important move for Boeing is to prevent Airbus from dominating the VLA market. Therefore, Boeing can cut the price of existing 747 product lines and produce 747 stretch as response to Airbus. Producing 747 stretch which may contain 550+ passengers wont be too costly for Boeing since is a modification over the current model, and that can powerfully compete with A3XX in the VLA market. Before the stretch version is market available, Boeing can offer a price cutting of the existing 747 which can not only divert sales away from A3XX, but also make A3XX project less attractive. Other alternatives might not fit. Firstly, fighting the A3XX on legal grounds (improper subsidies) will probably induce the revenge complain from Airbus, making Boeing itself to pay a large penalty. Secondly, to develop its own super jumbo jet is costly and maybe not profitable. What’s worse, in 1997 Boeing faced the first loss in more than 50 years, it’s better for Boeing to have a prudent stable strategy than an aggressive investing. 4. The Threshold To Launch We think Airbus should commit to build A3XX. The Annual Sales and Orders as of 1999 show that Airbus currently faces a disadvantage in competition with Boeing on almost every size of passenger aircraft. Worse is that, while Boeing pockets the market for VLA, Airbus even has no product to compete. Breaking the monopoly on this market becomes critical for Airbus, which is aiming to lead the industry. Strategic significance of A3XX makes this project worth an effort. Compared with the situation when Boeing launched its 747 development with 25 initial orders, the current 22 orders, with other 34 probable, is not a negative sign to commit the project. However, there would also be great risk in the new aircraft development. The possible poor market demand will make the project unprofitable. More important is that new A3XX should be sold quickly in early years to exploit learning curve effect on manufactory and seize market before Boeing reacts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Babies Infants Knowledge

Babies Infants Knowledge Claims about infant number competence contrast with claims of toddler ignorance. Consider explanations of the discrepancy. 1- Introduction: This essay will explore the researches which claim that babies are born with a predisposition to learn about objects and numerosities. It also aims to understand the issues that why some psychologists are still unconvinced about inborn knowledge. And if babies are so smart, why are preschoolers so ignorant? The question is to what extent is the sense of numbers innate and to what extent is it learned? Piaget used observational and informal experiments to study infants. He denied the existence of innate knowledge. Early Piaget experiments (1942) described that infants are born with no understanding of numerosity. He argued that the number concept is built from previously existing sensorimotor intelligence. In contrast, recent researchers argue that sensitivity to number is innate and even young infants possess strikingly mature reasoning abilities in the numerical domain. Vygotsky (1978) pointed out â€Å" childrens learning begins long before they enter school they have had to deal with operations of division, addition, subtraction, and the determination of size. Consequently, children have their own preschool arithmetic, which only myopic psychologists could ignore† (p. 84). Similarly, recent experiments have shown that infants between 4 to 7 months are able to discriminate two items from three items, but not 4 items from 6 items (Starkey et al 1983). In 1992, Karen Wynn argued that â€Å"human infants can discriminate between different small numbers of items† (p.749). Wynn used differences in looking times as evidence of knowledge. Similar logic in Baillargeon’s (2004) studies of infants is reported. In contrast to claims about infant capabilities and predispositions, recent studies of toddlers (preschoolers) suggest slow development and gradual understanding of numerical skill. Now we will discuss the researches which claim about infants’ knowledge of number competence contrast with claims of toddler ignorance. 2- Studies which claim about human infants’ knowledge of number competence: 2.1- Wynn’s approach: In 1992, Karen Wynn, came up with the idea of using a technique called Preferential Looking Time (PLT) to study the mathematical abilities in babies. Wynn took advantage of the fact that infants will gape, eyes wide with surprise, at things they dont expect to see, to show that babies as young as five to ten months old can add and subtract small numbers. In her experiment Wynn (1992) shows the baby a Mickey Mouse doll and then places it behind a screen. As the baby continues to watch, the researcher places a second Mickey behind the same screen. In half the trials, she then uses a hidden trapdoor to remove one of the dolls. Then screen drops and Wynn found that babies stared much longer when only one Mickey doll is there. They had apparently expected to see two. But were the babies really calculating one plus one equals two? Or did they simply realise that one plus one had to equal something more than one? To answer that question, Wynn tried the babies on one plus one equals three. The babies were appropriately surprised when three dolls appeared from behind the screen rather than two. According to Wynn (1992), â€Å"infants possess true numerical concepts- they have access to the ordering of and numerical relationships between small numbers and can manipulate these concepts in numerically meaningful way† (p750). Wynn argued that looking for longer time at the wrong results of 1+1 and 2-1 is evidence that infants have innate number knowledge. There are many questions which need explanations e.g. were infants surprised or familiar? Were they responding to differences in quantity or numerosity? Can infants really add and subtract? etc. Leslie B. Cohen and Kathryn S. Marks in ‘How infants process addition and subtraction events’ mentioned†¦. â€Å"Wynn has argued that infants are not only sensitive to number; they are able to manipulate small numerosities. She pointed out three major claims about infants’ abilities: Infants understand the numerical value of small collections of objects. Infants’ knowledge is general and can be applied to varying items and different modalities (for example, Starkey, Spelke, Gelman, 1990). Infants are able to reason at the ordinal level and compute the result of simple arithmetic problems (i.e., add and subtract)† (P.5-6). Wynn (1990) argued that children learn the meanings of smaller number words before larger ones within their counting range, up to the number three or four and by the age of 3  ½ years they can learn cardinal principle. But in everyday life we are failed to provide the evidence regarding the competence in early years of life. There is no doubt that many studies reported that children have an innate understanding of the basic counting but many other studies which do not support these findings. 2.2- Starkey, Spelke, Gelman approach: In 1990, Starkey, Spelke, Gelman found that infants between ages 4 and 7 ½ months can differentiate two items from three, but not 4 items from 6. In this study, 7 month old infants were presented with two photographs of two or three items accompanied with two or three drumbeats. Starkey et al.’s criterion was same as Wynn’s (difference in looking time).The infants looked significantly longer at the photos with the number of items matching the number of drumbeats. This study did not tell us that infants perceived that 2 is more than 1 or 3 is more than 2. The ability to understand even small numerosity from the early months of life seems to suggest that there is an innate mechanism for number which forms the basis for further development of numerical skills and abilities. Starky et al. (1990) interpreted these results as evidence that infants can recognize the number distinctions both in audio and visual display. This research is also controversial. There are contrasting claims which abandon ideas of competence. According to Mix, Huttenlocher, and Levine (1996), â€Å"it has been claimed that acquisition of the conventional number system is guided by preverbal numerical competencies available in infancy (Gallistel Gelman, 1992; Gelman, 1991).Thus, if infants have an abstract number concept, this should be evident in early childhood† (p.1593). Mix, Huttenlocher, and Levine (1996), using a procedure adapted for preschoolers, found that three-year-olds were unable to correctly match auditory to visual numerosity. 3- Studies which deny the claim of human infants’ knowledge of number competence: 3.1- Mix, Huttenlocher, and Levine approach: Mix, Huttenlocher and Levine (1996) tested infants, toddlers and preschool children from a variety of backgrounds to see at what age they began to recognize the connection between repeated sounds and similar numbers of objects before them and when infants and children begin grasping the basic concepts of mathematics. They conducted three experiments to find out whether preschool children could do significantly well on similar tasks as used by Starkey et al.’s (1990) infants studies. They found that infants were unable to make the audio-visual matches but could make visual-visual matches. Similarly, three year olds were able to make visual matches between groups of objects and sets that corresponded in number, but only made the same number of audio-visual matches they would have made had they been guessing. According to Mix, Huttenlocher and Levine (1996) In contrast, 4-year-olds performed significantly above chance in both conditions, indicating that the ability to detect audio-visual numerical correspondences develops during this age period(p.1600). They argued that if Starkey et al.’s (1990) claims about infants are true then preschoolers should show a similar competence. By their studies, Mix, Huttenlocher and Levine (1996) found no evidence that 3 year olds can detect audio-visual numerical correspondences. The developmental period between 3 to 4 years was found to be a crucial for mathematics, as preschoolers quickly expand their ability to understand the abstract relationship between numbers and sets as dissimilar as objects and events. They also tested toddlers ability to perform nonverbal calculation and found that the ability develops between ages 2  ½ and 3. Some studies have suggested that abstract numerical knowledge develops in infancy, but Levine and Huttenlocher found that babies only have an approximate understanding of numbers and at age of 3 years children can represent number exactly. Mix, Huttenlocher and Levine (1996) claim that: The discrepancy is due to the contrast criteria between infant study and preschool study. For infant study criteria was looking for longer time and in preschool study an active choice response was needed, which was much more demanding criteria. The ability to match and calculate correctly, nonverbally, is neither innate nor independent of general ability. Mix (1999) studied preschool children to see whether they ‘recognise numerical equivalence between sets that vary in similarity’. She pointed out that if claims about number competence in infancy are true then children should be able to judge numerical equivalence for other types of similarity. She emphasized that none of the tasks in infants’ studies â€Å"requires the explicit numerical comparison of one set to another† (p.272). According to Mix (1999) â€Å"a prevalent claim is that numerical abstraction emerges very early, perhaps as part of an innate knowledge structure that is specific to the number domain (Gallistel Gelman, 1992).This implies that development of numerical competence should have some advantages or at least follow a distinct path compared to other domains† (p.290). But she did not find any evidence. She proposed that discrepancy between infants and toddlers knowledge of number competence is because of different levels of understanding. She clarified that preschool matching task was different as compared to infant looking time task and these both task measures different type of numerical knowledge. (p.291) In 2002 Mix, Huttenlocher and Levine critically reviewed â€Å"the idea that quantitative development is guided by an inborn ability to represent discrete number† (p.278). They tested the quantitative competencies of infants and young children mentioned in their article. They arise many questions which are very important and need clarification: ‘What non-numerical cues do infants use? How does a number-based representation develop from such origins? How do children differentiate and ultimately integrate discrete and continuous quantification?’ 3.2- Clearfield and Westfahl approach: Clearfield and Westfahl (2006) conducted three experiments on 3 to 5 months infants to see how familiarization affects their looking time during addition problems. They replicated Wynn’s (1992) procedure in first experiment and found that infants looked longer at incorrect outcome same as in Wynn’s findings. They strongly argued on the basis of their results that â€Å"infants responded to the stimuli based on familiarity rather than the mathematical possibility† (p.40) (number competence) of the event in Wynn’s original finding and in Experiment 1. They also pointed out that there was no statistical difference in infants’ looking towards 1+1=2 and 1+1=3 (in Wynn’s finding). They asked for future research to confirm this. (p.40) In their article, Clearfield and Westfahl (2006) mentioned that Cohen and Marks (2002) challenged Wynn’s (1992) finding about infants’ number competence. Clearfield and Westfahl (2006) also told about Wynn’s (2002) response to it i.e. she rejected their challenge by saying that they did not replicate her study exactly. 4- Discussion: Evidence show that infants have inborn number competence and even they can manipulate simple arithmetic (Wynn, 1992). There is a considerable debate is going on young children’s ability about numerosity especially with regard to addition and subtraction. The problem is word number learning which they learn at later years. By the age of 2 years, children can count up to three or more (Gelman Gallistel, 1978). Wynn’s (1992) finding is challenged by Cohen and Marks (2002) as cited by Clearfield and Westfahl (2006). But Wynn’s (2002) rejected this challenge and still strict with her claims about infants’ inborn number competence. Clearfield and Westfahl (2006) interpreted that infants do not have counting ability but their performance on infants’ studies was based on familiarization. They insisted that researcher must work on the issues of familiarization and other basic perceptual processes rather than more controversial concept of number competence in infants. Learning the number system is one of the most difficult tasks for a young child. It is a slow process which takes many years to complete. Researchers have explored questions about the roots of numerical knowledge using looking time techniques with infants. It is still unclear to what extent is the sense of numbers innate and to what extent is it learned and how early the child acquires a meaningful counting procedure? Results of early counting studies appear unstable with each other. Some studies focus on conceptual competence (early counting) and some suggest that understanding the purpose of counting take place in later years. Young children often confuse to answer how many are there? It requires children to tell the last word when counting a set. They usually start counting the objects (Wynn, 1990). Counting out a number of objects from a large set is much complex than counting the number sequence. This all need a practice and clear understanding which develops later on. There is evidence â€Å"that five year old children take large number words to apply to specific, unique cardinal values† (Lipton Spelke, 2005, p.9). They argued that infants are born with innate knowledge of number from which they learn an understanding of number words and verbal counting. It is still unclear that if infants look so smart then why toddlers look so ignorant. Some researchers criticized the infants’ studies that they were not manipulating numbers when confronted with small quantities but may be they looking for total surface area of objects, not for number. We really do not know what was in infants’ mind. But criteria in Mix et al.’s study (1996) required children to point out the picture matching in numerosity, was much more demanding. And other studies involving counting ‘how many objects there are?’ require more understanding and more skill. To conclude all the interpretations about infants and preschoolers, it seems that criteria for judging preschoolers knowledge of number was too demanding. It is clear that at least some of number knowledge is innate. But the question still remains as to how much of it is innate, and how much is learned. In 2004, Zur Gelman argued that 4- and 5-year olds can easily be taught the basics of addition and subtraction. They concluded that even 3- year old children can do addition and subtraction by predicting and checking under supportive environment. Zur Gelman (2004) study is instructive because their emphasis is on practice and how teachers use different strategies. 5- References: Baillargeon, R. (2004). Infants’ reasoning about hidden objects: evidence for event-general and event-specific expectations. Developmental Science, 7, 391-424. Clearfield, M. W., Westfahl, S. M. C. (2006). Familiarization in infants’ perception of addition problems. Journal of Cognition and Development, 7, 27-43. Cohen, B. L. Marks, S.K. (n.d).How infants process addition and subtraction events. Retrieved on January 04, 2008 from final.pdf/ Cordes, S. Gelman, R. (2005). The Young Numerical Mind: When Does It Count? The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition. Psychology Press; London. 127–142. Retrieved on January 04, 2008 from Gelman, R., Gallistel, C. R. (1978). The child’s understanding of number. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Lipton, J. S., Spelke, E. S. (2005). Preschool children master the logic of number word meanings. Cognition,xx,1–10. Retrieved on January 14, 2008.from Mix, K. S. (1999). Similarity and numerical equivalence: Appearances count. Cognitive development, 14, 269-297. Mix, K. S., Huttenlocher, J., Levine, S. C. (1996). Do preschool children recognize auditory-visual correspondences? Child Development, 67, 1592-1608. Mix, K., Huttenlocher, J., Levine, S. (2002). Multiple cues for quantification in infancy: Is number one of them? Psychological Bulletin, 128(2), 278-294. Starkey, P., Spelke, E., Gelman, R. (1990). Numerical abstraction by human infants. Cognition, 36, 97-127. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Wynn, K. (1990). Children’s understanding of counting. Cognition, 36, 155-193. Wynn, K. (1992). Addition and subtraction by human infants. Nature, 358, 749-750. Zur, O., Gelman, R. (2004). Young children can add and subtract by predicting and checking. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19(1), 121-137.

Technological Development In Sport Competition Sport Essay

Technological Development In Sport Competition Sport Essay Technological development is becoming more and more essential in sport competition. Technological development refers to the development of techniques or appliance which can improve the quality and magnificence of the sport competitions. However, there could be some difference between different countries; it may depend on the level of the countries development. There are three main aspects revealing that technological development has revolutionized sport competitions. Firstly, the development of telecommunications promotes the globalization of sport competition. Secondly, the use of electronic appliance helps to reduce controversy and ensure the fairness of the results in the competition, such as auto-timing system. Moreover, the improvement sport equipments and analyzing system has become necessary for enhancing the performance of athletes. One of the most dramatic revolutions in sport completion is caused by the developments in new technologies of mass communication, especially the development of Internet and satellite television, which are allowing the sport competitions to be publicized around the world much more quickly. As an example, mega-events such as the Olympic Games can be regarded as a media-events (D. Rowe, 2004, 166). According to Roche, the 1936 Berlin Olympics was the first Olympic Games to be radio broadcast to the world; and it was also the first major sport event to be televised, although it was only available in the city of Berlin at that time due to the limited local cable system. Nowadays, the universality of the Internet and television are most effective to the globalization of the sports competition, however, turning the sport competition into global event. Referring to the television, Horne and Manzenreiter indicate that the estimation of 3.9 billion television audiences had watched parts of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, and 40 billion which are cumulative television audiences, contributing to a increase of 27% over the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. Moreover, Horne and Manzenreiter also indicate the   2002 FIFA World Cup staged in Japan and South Korea, 41000 hours of programming were provided in 213 countries and about 28.8 television audiences of this event, even more than that in Olympic Games. From this situation, there is no doubt that the development of telecommunication provides a much larger stage for the sport competitions, and makes the sport competition become a global history. In the sport competitions, the quality of the athletes is the most important factor in determining their performance. Analysing the movements of athletes could be the effective method to increase the possibilities of championship in the sport competitions; for instance, analyzing the movement or posture of an ice-skate athlete could help the athlete to maximize the speed and overcome the shortcomings. However, the details of the movements cannot be easily seen because the unassisted eye functions at the speed of 1/340th of a second exposure time; fortunately, the

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Female Manager :: essays research papers

Reasearch Report I have decided to write my report on the female manager, identifying three women who are presidents or CEO’s of companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, providing information on their background and how they made it to the top. The first female I wanted to talk about is Muriel Siebert. She is currently CEO of Siebert Financial Corporation. She has had a chair on the National Women's Business Council and she made history as the first woman to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange in 1967. I hope she fits in the category, because I think this lady is wonderful. Muriel Siebert has been called "The First Woman of Finance." Among other firsts, she is the first woman to own a seat on the New York Stock Exchange and the first to head one of its member firms, Muriel Siebert & Co., Inc. She took a leave from her firm in 1977 to serve five years as the first woman Superintendent of Banking for the State of New York. She is known as an outspoken speaker who pulls no punches in lectures, panels and talk shows. She often exhorts industry to utilize women more aggressively. "American business will find that women executives can be a strong competitive weapon against Japan and Germany and other countries that still limit their executive talent pool to the male 50 percent of their population." Muriel Siebert has advised, "The men of the top of industry and government should be more willing to risk sharing leadership with women and minority members who are not merely clones of their white male buddies. In these fast-changing times we need the different viewpoints and experiences, we need the enlarged talent bank. The real risk lies in continuing to do things the way they've always been done." Muriel Siebert not only proves what she preaches, but she practices it too. Her best-known gamble made historic waves in 1967 when she applied to become the first woman member of the New York Stock Exchange. Although she had risen to a partnership in a leading Wall Street brokerage firm and had made big money for colleagues, her effort was patronized, ridiculed or openly opposed by many men on Wall Street. She was turned down by nine of the first ten men she asked to sponsor her application. Before considering her for membership, the Stock Exchange imposed a new condition: she needed a letter from a bank saying they would lend her $300,000 of the near-record $445,000 seat price.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Opposition to the Iraq War Essay -- Politics Government

Iraqi War Out of 50 citizens polled, five believe that the war in Iraq should continue.That is only 10%, of those polled.Not much, is it? What this poll demonstrates is that the people of the U.S.A. do not feel the war is helping. The Iraqi war is a very â€Å"lively† and on-going debate issue. The war has cost us many people: soldiers, reporters, civilians and insurgents. The best way to confront this problem is to have the Iraqi army in power and for our people to come home. This merciless war has claimed too many lives. CNN news reports that in December alone, the U.S. army has lost 3,000 American men and women. This proves that the death toll has overpowered the benefits claimed by President Bush. Only more people will die because of the war, an...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

“My Personal Tutor” : A Software For Children

Choosing educational software for children is certainly not an easy task. Because so many options are available, it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the vividly colored packages, the intriguing characters, and fantastic claims of academic enhancements. How in the world does one actually choose? Fortunately, all is not lost. A software package is available, which truly encompasses those qualities, and does so without assaulting the purchaser†s pocketbook. My Personal Tutor by Microsoft, is a budget sensitive, educational enhancement package for children, with exciting graphics and an incredible academic framework. For this reason, a recent review of this program stated that â€Å"Microsoft has made a great contribution to children†s learning† (Dr. Toy). In fact, My Personal Tutor is the best choice of children†s educational software. The activities in My Personal Tutor facilitate learning in vital academic disciplines. Because of the technological advancement of our society, today†s students require more strength in critical thinking, reading, and math skills than ever before. This three CD set is dedicated to enhancing skills in those areas. For example, in Turru†s Sea Quest, the student further develops thinking skills in order to advance through the game format. By solving unfinished sentences, analyzing and completing number or shape patterns, challenging memory with matching, and matching analog compared to digital time, the child assists Captain Scratch in setting free the endangered sea creatures. In another CD, Sam†s Hide & Seek, the child strengthens reading skills in a virtual museum, with six separate rooms where the child plays interactive word games or reads stories in order to help Sam find his friends. However, the word games are not simple mindless entertainment. For instance, by solving incomplete sentences a story emerges. During this process, an amusing, vividly colored picture is painted depicting the story the child is creating. In another challenging exercise, the student reads stories and answers questions relating to the story content in order to gain points, thereby fostering comprehension. Finally, in a third CD, the child†s world becomes an incredible space station where the goal is to help a new friend, Spy, capture alien stowaways. In Spy†s Space Station, traditional math of the past is transformed into exciting activities, which virtually hold the child hostage with interest. To illustrate, in the Astro Disco, one of the six areas in the space station, the dancers are victims to zero gravity. The student†s job is to fit the helpless dancers with the proper number of gravity boots, so they may come down from the ceiling. Once the task is complete, the appreciative dancers take the floor, performing an exciting dance for their rescuer. In a different area, the student may choose to solve currency equations in order to purchase clothing for the undercover alien police. What†s more, in yet another area, the child recycles space junk by sorting according to greater than, equal to, or less than, in order to make tools needed for the station. Although the academic tutorials within this set are comprehensive and truly without compare, the overall success of this set lies in its ability to captivate and sustain the student†s attention. Through well-designed game objectives, My Personal Tutor generates long term interest. All the activities are designed as a means to an end, regardless of whether that end is setting free endangered sea creatures, finding hidden friends in a museum, or catching alien stowaways on a space station. The goals are met methodically, through a sense of teamwork with the lively characters in their respective worlds. The interactive characters are encouraging throughout the challenge, supporting the player, and encouraging him or her to continue. After the player has met a goal, an exciting celebration takes place. Even more, if the child has permission, he or she can print a colorful picture as a memento of the success. Irrespective of the shower of accolades by children, parents too have many reasons for excitement about this set. Parents can feel confident that the purchase of this set is a cost-effective enhancement to the child†s education, as well as an excellent source of reinforcement for vital social skills. The price of $14. 95, after the rebate, is trivial in comparison to all that is included in this set. In fact, with more than 1000 multimedia tutorials, over 70 learning objectives, adjustable levels of difficulty, and ongoing progress reports (Microsoft Kids), justifying a price of even five times that amount would be easy. However, educational enhancement is not the only quality this set encompasses. Many implicit lessons are delicately woven into the activities. Specifically, setting and methodically working toward a goal. In fact, every activity within this set is goal oriented. In addition, the ideal of working together is effectively designed within all the game formats. In other words, this set truly encompasses the full range of essential skills necessary for success in the first and second grade levels. Therefore, My Personal Tutor surpasses the parent†s expectations for an educational enhancement program. A common goal among parents is that their child be healthy, happy, and ultimately reach his or her maximum potential. It is believed that a sound education will help open doors in order for that dream to become a reality. To that end, parents often devote much time and effort to improving the quality of their child†s education. Therefore, it is understandable for a parent to have high expectations of an educational enhancement program purchased for their child. My Personal Tutor fulfills even the highest of such expectations. My Personal Tutor provides an incredibly comprehensive academic framework, consisting of strengthening exercises in critical thinking, reading, and math skills. These tutorials are skillfully designed in such a manner as to reframe the concept of such disciplines. Through the activities in this set, exercises in math, reading, and critical thinking are transformed from drudgery into a mission filled with fun and excitement, where the child works with others in order to meet a goal. What more could a parent ask for? For this reason, My Personal Tutor by Microsoft is the best choice of children†s educational enhancement software.

Comparative Literary Analysis

If you were placed onto a stranded island in the middle of without delayhere with no hope of being rescued, nonwithstanding the most civilized person would turn back to savagery by the end. This is a incident approximately human reputation, and at i point humans lose their ethical motive and values. In The Crucible and the gentle of the fly, some(prenominal) authors, Miller and Golding, show the evil in nature, the fight for right, and ragtag mentality in certain situations. Abigail Williams and diddley both run very military separate hungry by the end and show the evil in nature, while John observe and Simon argon looking for for the faithfulness, and bloody shame rabbit warren and SamnEric line the close up mentality that is going around.In The Crucible, Abigail Williams is scratch seen as a child utterance the truth and pointing out the people in the township who ar witches. Every unrivaled in the town believes her and her group of friends. But as she rea lizes that she has the business leader to castigate anyone as a witch, she oeruses that king. Since Abigail desires to be with John Proctor, just now he is not willing to be with her due to his wife, Abigail decides to condemn Elizabeth Proctor as a witch, so that she would be able to be with John. This clear shows how people can use their government agency that they might collapse for their own great and use it for evil.This occurs in The Lord of the Flies when maw slowly composes to a greater extent and more power hungry. throughout the novel, Jack ever insufficiencys to become chief but Ralph is chosen as chief and this did not delight Jack. But as the novel progresses, Jack slowly turns to savagery, and the others follow Jack with his savagery. An ensample is his wild hunts for pigs, and his crazy dances subsequently killing the pig. He feels a good deal more regnant as more people mark to enjoy killings pigs with him and he starts to form a type of mob.His m ind was crowded with memories memories of the noesis that had come to them when they closed in on the struggling pig, knowledge that they had outwitted a existing thing, imposed their will upon it, taken out-of-door its life like a huge satisfying drink. (Golding 70) This quote explores Jacks mental state in the outcome of killing his first pig. This slightly shows the rectify into savage behavior. This quote shows Jacks feelings of power and superiority he experiences after killing the pig. This power slowly transitions into creating his mob and gaining more power from everyone around him, which causes him to become the chief.With this power he gains, Jack now controls most of the island, which allows him to do almost anything he wants, including to set the island on fire dependable to kill Ralph. At the same season in both The Crucible and The Lord of the Flies, John Proctor and Simon atomic number 18 looking for the truth for the fear in which everyone was going crazy in the town or island. In The Crucible, John Proctor looks for the truth as he questions the honesty of the girls trade out the witches in the town. John carefully looks for evidence to prove that the girls arent vocalizing the truth.Fortunately Mary Warren admits to John that they are all playing along just now because of Abigail. But at the courthouse, no one believes Mary Warren, and she is as well as called a witch, so to save herself, she blames John Proctor in threatening Mary to lie. As much as John tries to fight for the truth, he fails at showing everyone because of the power everyone else has over him. Simon in The Lord of the Flies also fails to show the truth over the masher that everyone feared. As if, verbalize Simon, the beastie, the beastie or snake thing, was real. Remember? (Golding 50)From the beginning Simon doubts the truth about this beast in the island and tries to assure the younger kids that there is no beast. Simon is the only office who truly look s out to find the truth about the beast. But in the end, he is seen as the beast and is killed by the boys who switch over into savages. When Simon returns to the campfire to tell everyone what the beast that everyone has feared of, he is unreasonable as the beast and never gets to condone the truth. This is just like John Proctor in which he is also killed out front the truth gets out.This comparison is similar because both Simon and John were the only people to enunciate the truth to the public but no one listens to them, and they end up assassinated before they say anything. During all of this in The Crucible and The Lord of the Flies, there are the leaders, Abigail and Jack, and then there are the followers, Mary Warren and SamnEric. In The Crucible, Mary Warren follows the mob mentality because of Abigail, and the fear of getting caught. If Mary did not follow what Abigail had said in the beginning to play along with her, Abigail threaten to kill them all, or at least hu rt them.Due to this Mary went along with the mob. Although Mary tries to confess in the courtroom, in the end she still retreats back to the mob mentality and blames John Proctor. This also happens in The Lord of the Flies when SamnEric reefer Jacks mob. Now the painted group felt the otherness of SamnEric, felt the power in their own hands. They felled the twins clumsily and excitedly. Jack was inspired. (Golding 191) This quote shows how Jack becomes expert with the increasing number to his group and it shows that SamnEric join due to the mob mentality and the power that Jack has compared to Ralph.They try to follow their sense of right and wrong but end up connexion the mob and go along with the savages. Throughout the movie and novel, people end up losing their morals either due to having overly much power or not having enough and going out of their course to gain that power. The evil in nature is clearly shown by both authors and see how far people would go for ambitions that they want such as power. Both authors also show that the truth never gets out, which is unfortunate, but life doesnt always have happy endings either. And last but not least, the mob mentality is a campaign force for all the madness in the town of Salem and the Island.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Own Personal And Theoretical Understanding Education Essay

The biggest bewilderment so faraway has to be my emergency of English as an extra lingual communication, non more than(prenominal)over did I use to believe EAL disciples were portion of the bad-tempered Educational Needs and Disabilities mensurations, I ever so use to go to bookmans with EAL as a barrier, inquiring myself inquiries like, How would I get the induce apart of the lingual communication barrier? devising myself believe that EAL scholars be lower world power in spite of appearance entirely topics, and this is non the instance. several(prenominal) teachers stick let out sm individually(prenominal) or no apprehension of a kidskin s demands that does non mystify English as their source lingual communication. Sometimes this deficiency of apprehension and communicating between student and instructor can decelerate down the pupils forwarding. Whether the kid is considered to be one of the followers an Asylum-Seeker, Refugee, detached Lear ner, Sojourner, Bilingual or merely stark naked to English, every kid affairs.EAL teaching rule is designed to suffice run into the linguistic communication and larning demands of pupils who contri in like miene English as an extra linguistic communication. Successful EAL scholars impart norm every last(predicate)y retard a broad(a) apprehension and a appreciation of their own(prenominal) starting signal linguistic communication, so sequence larning English they be fitting to develop their vocabulary in their first linguistic communication. In grade for a pupil to develop cognitively and linguistically, they quest to verify the chance to clack and compose deep down the English linguistic communication from an archeozoic phase of a littleon, instigateing them to go more witting of their new linguistic communication, this is in like fashion a right(a) manner to treasure the pupil s demands, being able to inspect where they need more development. disciple s larning EAL need contextual congest in order to do sense experience of new information and the new linguistic communication this can be veritable by ocular cues, assisting the EAL pupil to m separate to footings with the under takings presented to them though their noesis of English is limited. manikin fin Adapt information to fight to the strengths and demands of all students from the Teachers Standards provinces Have a kick the bucket apprehension of the demands of all students, including those with particular educational demands those of steep energy those with English as extra linguistic communication those with disablements and be able to utilize and measure mutual instruction attacks to prose provee and patronize up them. ( DfE, 20128 )After reading and re-reading the Teachers Standards and taking this subdivision of Standard five on board I wear hap to gain, that in order to chink EAL pupils you have got to be pull up stakesing to larn to learn. No affair where you ar deep down your learning calling you have to larn from the kids within you kinfolk.Jim Cummins developed a model, which shows how basic social communicating accomplishments ( BIC ) and cognitive academic linguistic communication proficiency ( CALP ) can be developed through planning and instruction. The model is helpful to place and develop earmark undertakings for polar pupils within various categories. though it its believe that pupils need to be swear outing from the high cognitive demand and high contextual support quarter-circle, Conteh explained the quarter-circles in Cummins plot as the followers Beginning with context-embedded activities and phone number by bit going, with talk and action, towards less embedded activities means that kids ar never left without support, and at the homogeneous truncate are being encouraged to fit to the new science which is the object of the activity. ( J.Conteh 200611 )After reflecting on the point th at Conteh do about how the model fundamentally helps to ca-ca upon the pupil s English cognition, through practical activities and a assortments of experiences within the classroom. The beat manner to assist with a pupils cognition is through vocal communicating. Bringing me to submergences versus bilingualism, BIC and CALP are both needed to assist back up a pupils larning and understanding. though bilingualism is good to pass on between the same linguistic communication and you can go along out more about this pupil within their ain apprehension of their first linguistic communication, submergence allow for assist a pupil develop quicker. By literately throwing a pupil into the deep perch with a conclave of pupils who merely have English as their first linguistic communication the kid is so constrained to pass on with these pupils assisting come oning with verbal communicating, this can besides assist with linguistic communication accomplishments through written slices of work as the pupil is larning from equals who are the break(p) instructors to pupils who are EAL.Have high outlooks of fashion, and stage up a model for type with a scope of schemes, utilizing kudos, countenances and earnings systematically and reasonably ( DfE, 20128 )Concentrating on standard seven of the Teachers Standards, behavior is all the cultivate non merely disputing. When inquiring myself what behavior was all I had in my head were the pupils who are disputing. Coming to gain that behavior is non merely those who like to dispute a instructor, but it is besides those who push to win as mentioned before behavior is all the clip. at bottom any trail many pupils willing move otherwise, within different scenes and with different instructors. Some pupils do non like variety, so a departation to a usual modus operandi can take to a alteration in behavior this besides happens when a pupil is faced with a different instructor to the 1 they are utilize to. Many i nstructors and pupils have a general consequence on one and other, when observe a pupil s behavior alongside the observation of the instructor, there was a direct nexus that you can send off that it was every bit much the instructor s behavior that contributed to the incident that go on within the year, whether triggered by a bad two dozen hours or the features of that specific instructor.Though ambitious behavior is the top dog obstruction to raising accomplishment, pull slay behaviour positively can travel a long manner towards cut downing emphasis degrees between supply and students, which helps to enable a safe encyclopedism environment.When supervising a pupil s behavior I have come to gain that you have to take into tarradiddle many facets that every kid is different, they all come from different backgrounds, with different degrees of social and emotional development. Developing a affinity with all the pupils within a category is the key to a happy environment.Amy Demorest, 2005 explains Burrhus muleteer s opening every bit behaviour as being a manner to avoid penalty but to win in accomplishing wages, believing that penalty was counterproductive. When taking this theory with me onto my recent flesh, it came to bear witness that Skinner s theory was right. student s will move botch but one time the instructor has offered and inaugural for good behavior the pupil automatically stops, because they know at the last-place of the twenty-four hours they are being rewarded for something they would be acquiring into problem for.Though this theory does come with advantages, after a piece of the pupil being offered a wages in topographic point of misbehaviour the pupil will shortly alter their ways and be cognizant they no longer have to move up in order to have congratulations and a wages.The idea of going a instructor is highly rewarding, but it is travel to take tonss of work, clip and consideration on my portion. Planning, clip direction and administration reanimate a critical function in pull offing a schoolroom.In order to pull off a schoolroom, I will necessitate to hold effectual outlooks, make rule of the resources acquirable to me and hold good clip direction. supplying a batch of work within the schoolroom is of import to supply a batch of engagement for the pupils, this will batten down that pupils are foc employ and enthusiastic within the category. Having a set of schoolroom regulations and modus operandis will assist set up culture within the schoolroom, constructing up guidelines that must be followed within the category environment. Though regulations and modus operandis are highly different, let go of the overarching rules by which your category is fun, these regulations within the category desexualize the ethos of the schoolroom, they need to positively depict coveted behavior and properties and in the long end point support the pupils developing self-regulation of their behavior and directi on. Whereas modus operandis are the manner specific undertakings need to be carried out, in order to guarantee a safe and purposeful acquisition environment. effectively pull offing a schoolroom is of import to hold the category hardened out and arranged in a manner that makes larning easier. The layout will hold an collision on the manner you teach and the manner the pupils learn. For each lesson it is impractical to travel the schoolroom unit of ammunition, so acquiring a layout that can be used for all topics is the key. It is critical to reckon all the pupils faces, and you besides need to guarantee they can see you and the synergistic white board or any other resource you are utilizing within the category.There are a batch of ways in which a schoolroom can be hardened out and organized but it s the 1 that suits the instructor trump out. So for me it will be about test and mistaking as this is the lone(prenominal) manner you learn what suits you. Whether it is the horses hoe, a circle, rows or sitting in ability groups or well-disposed family groups, there are pro s and con s to all these siting agreements. The lone manner to see what will give non merely myself but my category is to desire each manner until I have found the perfect manner for the pupils to start the stovepipe out of the ballad out and place of resource s so my category will be managed to my best ability.Taking the above on board and believing about how I am traveling to win to go an large instructor I need to hold a mark and program in topographic point in order to accomplish this. Reflecting on my professional pattern I can see that I need to concentrate in more on how the kids respond to behavioural techniques the instructor has in topographic point. Though I saw house points being used I did non see any other signifier of enterprise in topographic point for the category. Every Friday afternoon the pupils would acquire aureate though if they had warnings throughout the w eek they would lose at least five proceedingss per warning. Within my twelvemonth six category they all had occupations they carried out every twenty-four hours throughout the school, so when thought and reflecting I can see this was besides a privilege for good behavior and gave them traffic within their school fixing them for the pursual phase of their instruction.I feel that when I go back into school for far pattern I want to query schoolroom direction and administration more. inquire associate inquiries on how the instructor ensures she gets the best usage of all her resources and how she gets the kids to behaviour as they are sitting within friendly relationship groups. I can see how this works as there is a mix of ability on each tabular array and the lower ability are supported by their higher(prenominal) ability friends within their surveies, but how does she controls the summarise of work done and the less yakety-yak traveling on throughout the lessons.Though there is merely one EAL pupil within the school, I am traveling to supervise and research learning techniques with this pupil during my quest pattern at the school. On my first pattern I rundle to the category instructor about assorted ways in assisting this pupil advancement within her acquisition of English, for case blending the ability degree she is in, puting the pupil in a higher ability group than the lowest to seek and act upon her to talk out more and contribute. The category instructor has invited me to fall in her category on the 2nd portion of my pattern to assist me realise more understanding and cognition within pattern with an EAL pupil.In ending I feel that I need to utilize my contemplations to put myself bigger challenges and label to make within the hereafter. To derive more understanding and cognition of the primary school atmosphere and develop my ain techniques of instruction.I am trusting on the future(a) portion of my pattern I am able to set some of the tec hniques I have discussed into action through the usage of my microteaching. Hoping to research manner in which I can organize my schoolroom to derive the best usage of resources and the best manner the pupils within the category will larn.not merely am I be aftering on acquiring to cognize my pupils break up but besides I am trusting to derive a better apprehension of myself. Reflecting and come oning this experience to see myself as non merely a pupil but, a trainee instructor, with the power over the pupils larning and assisting the following coevals to win into exceeding scholars and gravid professionals.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

Character of Lady Macbeth Essay

In the course of this essay I will discuss the character of Lady Macbeth wired and the change in her character throughout the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. We see how her as being ambitious and ruthless at the start. Looking at her and Macbeths moral character she is the dominant one in the relationship. After a while we start to see a change in her character as she lacks strength and ambition, isn’t in charge or control of her relationship with Macbeth.Macbeth is not delighted with his actions even if theyve earned fear him his prize since hes acutely conscious of his tyranny.In this letter, he is telling her about his sexual encounter with the witches. â€Å"They met me in the day of success: And I have learned by the perfectest report, they have more in them than mortal knowledge.† (Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth) She appears very determined for what the witches have told him to come true.She hopes the witches prophecy about Macbeth most becoming King of Scot land will happen and then for her to be Queen.During act four, Lady Macbeth does not look in the play.

† (Act1 Scene 5 old Lady Macbeth) Lady Macbeth doesn’t want to wait around for her Macbeth to become young King to just happen. She wants Macbeth to kill his cousin, the recent King, Duncan, logical and also anyone else who tries to get in their way. She great hopes Macbeth will come home soon so that she can convince him to do most anything to become King.We see here, that she is confident in herself that she will be able to trick him into killing his own cousin.Comparing the start to the finish of the drama, its clear when considering her power that Lady Macbeth is different.â€Å"Come, you spirits that tend on ordinary mortal thoughts unsex me here† ( Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth). When she finishes own calling on the spirits, Macbeth arrives. Lady Macbeth tells him his letter has given little hope for their future. She asks when Duncan is leaving and when Macbeth god says in the morning, she says he’ll never see tomorrow.Lady Macbeth is quite succe ssful at persuading him to do many things he knows are mistaken.

We also see, that Lady Macbeth is ruthless. She will low let nothing get in her way of becoming Queen. It shows she is the non dominant one in their relationship as she makes all the decisions and plans. We next see Lady Macbeth in Act1 Scene 6.Macbeth finds the notion of assuming the thrown improbable.Duncan thanks her keyword with a gratitude for letting him stay. He also apologises for the hassle he’s causing her.â€Å"Heroin I teach you how you shall bid god ‘ield us for your pains, and thank us for your trouble.† (Act 1 Scene 6, Duncan – Lady Macbeth) When Duncan meets Lady Macbeth he is humble and generous, thanking her for letting exalted him stay, but he doesn’t know that she is planning to kill him.Her impulse last plagues lady Macbeth.

â€Å" If it were ‘tis done, then were well it were done quickly.† (Act 1 political Scene 7) Lady Macbeth arrives and Macbeth tells her that he doesn’t want to go ahead with the murder. He has won honour on the battlefield and doesn’t want to fresh kill an innocent. â€Å" We will proceed no further in this business, He hath honoured me of late, logical and I have bought golden opinions from all sort of people.Lady Macbeth is confronted with a similar circumstance.† (Act 1 whole Scene 7, Lady Macbeth – Macbeth). What she says seem to work. Again in this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as the dominant one. She easily convinces him back into their new plan to kill Duncan.Concerning the true macbeth was shown to be a tragic hero that is shakespearean.

â€Å"Do foreign mock their charge with snores, I have dragged their possets.† (Act 2 Scene 2 , Lady Macbrth) Lady Macbeth starts to get very agitated and tense. We first see how this when she hears an owl. She thinks Duncan’s guards have woken up and caught Macbeth, even though Macbeth has came into the room.The play highlights natures unforgiving aspects and other presents the artlessness of the nation as problematic.â€Å"I hear a knocking at the south entry, retire we to our chamber.† (Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) As Macduff enters to awake Duncan in this scene, he discovers that Duncan is murdered. Lady Macbeth enters after hearing the bell ringing. She asks what is happening.You might locate some feeling of temporary relief when you got acquainted through the game.

Lady Macbeth response doesn’t sound very convincing as she replies. â€Å"What, in our house?† (Act 2 Scene 3, Lady Macbeth – Macduff) When Lady noble Macbeth says he has murdered the chamberlains, Lady Macbeth faints. We don’t know if she’s acting here or being serious. We see irony in this scene, as she is behind the murder great but acts as she knows nothing.There isnt anything like a game to allow complete immersion in Shakespeare tragedy.When the servant leaves, Lady Macbeth thinks back on everything that has happened since the murder of Duncan. â€Å"Nought’s had, all’s spent, where our desire got without content.† (Act 3 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth) In this scene, we see Lady Macbeth as alone. Becoming king and queen, her and Macbeth lost everything.Janes love is likewise a fair one.

Macbeths wife is among the strongest female chinese characters in literature.Girls are related to bad from the start of the play.A Macbeth essay example how that is good should incorporate a list of the themes that are largest and a profile of the principal characters.Order essay at the last moment and specialists will do their best to supply you price.