Saturday, August 31, 2019
Great Depression
Mrs. Russell Cause and Effect Essay English 101-80 Great Depression What caused the Great Depression, the worst economic depression in US history? It was not just one factor, but instead a combination of domestic and worldwide conditions that led to the Great Depression. The causes aand effects of the Great Depression was huge across the world, here are three top causes and effects of the Great Depression. Stock Market Crash of 1929 was one of the major causes that led to the Great Depression.Two months after the original crash in October, stockholderzs had lost more than $40 billion dollars. By the end of 1930, the stock market tried to regain some of its losses but it was not enough and America truly entered the Great Depression. Throughout the 1930s, over 9,000 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Surviving banks was unsure of the economic situation and concerned for their own survival, stopped being as willing to cr eate new loans.This exacerbated the situation leadig to less and less expenditures. When the stock market crashed, and the banks failed and unemployment levels reached higher and higher pointsw people understandably stopped spending money, which also deeped the economic crisis as demand for products and services slowly stopped. First effect is Stock Market and Banking regulations, after the stock market crash of 1929 and collapse of more then 40% of American banks, strict trading and banking regulations put in place.For financial protection newly formed Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for financial protection. Second effect is when Franklin D. Roosevelt’s introduced programs between 1933 and 1930, designed to help America pull out of the Great Depression by addressing high rates of unemployment and poverty. FDR and Congress introduced regulationzs and subside: the cornerstones of the New Deal wetre the Public Works Administrati on and the National Recovery Administration.Third effect is when many people learned some valuable things about managing their money and doing the best they could with what they had. Children grew up to be very imaginative and inventive. They appreciated the things they had access to in their life because they never forgot just how little they once had. The Great Depression ended in the 1939 as the world increased the production of the war materials with the outbreak of WWII. War production increased jobs and hence large amounts of money were reintrodu ced to circuklate in the economy. Great Depression Steinbeck teaches us that as humans, loneliness and the desire for companionship is inevitable and in this cruel world where we are all set again t one another as rivals for the resources needed to survive, true friendships are to be cherisher d for they are hard to come by. As humans, we are all subject to loneliness at some points in our lives, and we all desire companionship, no matter how indifferent we may act to mask that desire. In by John Steinbeck, Curler's wife is incredibly lonely as the only woman on the ranch and is often isolated from the ranch hands who view her as trouble.She is often see n prancing around the ranch in the pretense of searching for her husband and often attempts to engage other ranch hands in friendly conversation. During her conversation in the stables with Car kooks, Candy, and Leonie, she remarked, ‘Effendi I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a w hill? Think like to stick in that house all time? â€Å"‘ (Steinbeck, 77). This was particularly imp rotary as it displays her loneliness and desire for companionship. However, her friendly sees is often seen as flirtatiousness to the other men, and this results in their view of her as an unfed dutiful and dangerous woman.Crooks, just like Curlers wife, suffers from loneliness as w ell, though his isolation results from his race instead of his words and actions. As shown during Eng his conversation with Leonie in the stables, Crooks remarks that â€Å"if he sees something', he don't know whether its right or not†and he has no one to ask and â€Å"nothing to measure by†(Steinbeck 73). He had also cried that if â€Å"a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick†(Steinbeck 73). This was IM portent as well for it showed just how desperately we desire companionship.If we had no on e besides us, we get so lonely and desperate that we became sick due to the lack of company. The desire for companionship and loneliness are inevitable parts of human li fe that we all ex pertinence from time o time, though we may all deal with it in various methods, with some acting more indifferent than others. In this world with a population of around 7 billion and extremely limited ores urges, we are born into a dotage world. The competition for resources took a turn f or the worse when the Great Depression hit in the asses. Futures this harsh reality in which men are set against each other in a competition for the sparse jobs and machined De money, which was then used to purchase a piece of land. This was the dream of every men, but alas, in a world of worsening economy, very few saw their dream to fruition. As Curlers wife had observed in the novella, if she engaged one man in a conversation, they'd get along just if en and have a nice chat. However, if she attempts to engage a group of men in a conversation, the eyed all be too scared of each to talk to her, they'd be too scared that the others may â€Å"get so meeting' on them.This observat ion shows the hostility hidden beneath the pretense of friendly sees the men have with one another. The minute the rest â€Å"gets something†on one of the men, the eyed eliminate him so they'd have less competition for the resources, in this case, money and job s. When Candy, George, and Leonie were first entertaining the idea of owning a stake together r, George had warned them not to tell a soul for ‘they liable to can us so we can't make no SST aka†(Steinbeck 61 This warning displays the distrust among the men.Perhaps this is why true e friends pips are cherished and mourned when lost, for in this hostile world, it is difficult to co me by, but a great blessing in times of hardship. The world is cruel and hostile, and men are all says out to get one another. Loneliness and the desire for companionship is inevitable, we will all expire once it in our bedtime at one point or another, and it will only teach us to cherish our comma onions more.After all, true com panions are hard to come by in this harsh reality in which we are all born as rivals battling for the same limited resources we need to survive. Steinbeck had, thro cough his profound use and command of the English language, taught us, to put it in the simplest way, how to understand one another better. The key to communication and relations ammo Eng people is the understanding of each other, and through , Steinbeck has taught us just how we can begin to understand one another. Great Depression Mrs. Russell Cause and Effect Essay English 101-80 Great Depression What caused the Great Depression, the worst economic depression in US history? It was not just one factor, but instead a combination of domestic and worldwide conditions that led to the Great Depression. The causes aand effects of the Great Depression was huge across the world, here are three top causes and effects of the Great Depression. Stock Market Crash of 1929 was one of the major causes that led to the Great Depression.Two months after the original crash in October, stockholderzs had lost more than $40 billion dollars. By the end of 1930, the stock market tried to regain some of its losses but it was not enough and America truly entered the Great Depression. Throughout the 1930s, over 9,000 banks failed. Bank deposits were uninsured and thus as banks failed people simply lost their savings. Surviving banks was unsure of the economic situation and concerned for their own survival, stopped being as willing to cr eate new loans.This exacerbated the situation leadig to less and less expenditures. When the stock market crashed, and the banks failed and unemployment levels reached higher and higher pointsw people understandably stopped spending money, which also deeped the economic crisis as demand for products and services slowly stopped. First effect is Stock Market and Banking regulations, after the stock market crash of 1929 and collapse of more then 40% of American banks, strict trading and banking regulations put in place.For financial protection newly formed Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for financial protection. Second effect is when Franklin D. Roosevelt’s introduced programs between 1933 and 1930, designed to help America pull out of the Great Depression by addressing high rates of unemployment and poverty. FDR and Congress introduced regulationzs and subside: the cornerstones of the New Deal wetre the Public Works Administrati on and the National Recovery Administration.Third effect is when many people learned some valuable things about managing their money and doing the best they could with what they had. Children grew up to be very imaginative and inventive. They appreciated the things they had access to in their life because they never forgot just how little they once had. The Great Depression ended in the 1939 as the world increased the production of the war materials with the outbreak of WWII. War production increased jobs and hence large amounts of money were reintrodu ced to circuklate in the economy. Great Depression If someone went to prison in 1989 and was released in the year 2000, he would probably be surprised by how drastic change can be in ten years can bring. When 1990 started, people were still communicating through letters and the telephone. The Bible was still the greatest bestseller and people used the word â€Å"terror†to describe how scared they were of their neighbor’s dog. By the end of 1999, however, children were engrossed with a new book. People were sending e-mails to their loved ones, and our idea of terror has been redefined.The 90s was shaped by things we could not have imagined, things that have brought about major changes in our lives. Though the decade was made of numerous and note-worthy events, this paper will zero in on three factors that best define the 1990s in America: the story that mattered to the young, the technology that changed the face of communication, and the heartbreak that we suffered as a nation. In trying to define the 1990s in America, it is important that we take a look at the decade’s popular literary works. Literature is an important indicator of the times.By reading the popular literature of the early 1920s, we see a generation dried out by the. If we read the poetry and fiction of the Beat writers, we see a carefree generation of the late 50’s ready to break into the sexual revolution of the 60s. I’ve always thought of literature as a reflection of a people’s state of mind. It is, after all, the collection of stories of people. And people only write stories of the things that truly matter to them. Ironically, in the 90s, the most popular story ever told could not have happened to anyone.That would just be silly. No 11-year-old boy could have found out that he was a wizard and then went off to wizardry school. But that is exactly the premise of the most popular book of the 90s â€â€Harry Potter. The premise does sound pretty simple, but author JK Rowling managed to craft intricat e storylines of various adventures, with mysteries being deliciously unraveled along the way. The result? The highest selling children’s book in history. No other children’s book has ever made much of an impact as â€Å"the boy who lived†.From then on there were several other books written about magic, wizards, vampires, robots, things not of this earth. And I think this is indicative of what we as a people are ready for. We are a generation ready to be bewildered, to consider things outside our immediate reality. Wiktorin, in his paper about how the Harry Potter books relate to contemporary life, states that â€Å"constructing a world different to the ordinary one and marketing this, can certainly be a very lucrative enterprise†(2). This is exactly what Harry Potter and all the fantasy books of the nineties have offered us.A constructed world so different from our own, but governed by the rules and emotions that are quintessentially human. This readines s to consider things outside our realm went hand in hand with the explosion of the internet in the nineties. In 1984, if you were a lonely kid in school, you went home and dealt with it. In 1998, a nerdy 13-year-old who probably feels ill at ease with his schoolmates can log in on the internet after school and find an online community of people to talk to. In the 1990s, the internet was really primarily used for communication.The e-mail and the chat functions were the most popular internet activities. A study conducted by Axel Franzen shows that email increases social involvement and regression analysis shows that Internet users have 24% more friends (Lesnard, 4). The world got a lot smaller, and getting in touch was just a few clicks away. The amount of information that the World Wide Web has brought to individuals cannot be emphasized enough. If Harry Potter led us to believe or consider things that are outside our realm, the internet allowed us to think of the things that existed beyond our personal reality.It allowed us to be tolerant of differences, because these differences are no longer miles away from us. We hear about it a few clicks away. The things that we can see on the internet can also be seen by people with internet in China. It equalizes us somehow and allows us to interact in astounding ways. As much as Harry Potter brought about a considerable amount of whimsical escape and the internet allowed us to be more aware of others’ cultures and differences, certain events of the 90s unfortunately gave us first-hand experience of evil.In the middle of the decade, America experienced its first terror attack through the Oklahoma Bombing. Despite the number of wars that have been fought by our country, a terror attack was so surprising because it just didn’t make sense. The Oklahoma bombing wasn’t an unfortunate result of any military operation. It wasn’t the work of some psychotic man. It wasn’t an accidental occurren ce. Rather, it was a carefully calculated plan with the sole purpose of terrorizing people. The perpetrators were apprehended and convicted, and the reasons behind their actions was said to be disappointment with how the U.S government handled past issues. Instead of letting their opinions known through protests, they took a course of action as arbitrary as it is terrorizing. The Oklahoma Bombing killed 108 people, including babies on daycare. This terrorist attack reminded us of the need for security, to protect our nation from people who are on the mission to destroy it. When it comes to vigilance against terrorism, â€Å"unlike most other enterprises, success and failure are measured according to the number of lives saved and lost†(Manzi, et. al. , 10).We cannot afford to lose the war against terror, as it will mean losing precious lives. After the Oklahoma bombing, the government implemented tighter security measures and that has stopped numerous other terror attempts. H owever there still continues to be groups of people who vehemently disagree with what America stands for as a nation. So much so, that they are willing to kill thousands of people just to show their hatred and defiance. Sadly, they succeeded again in 2001, when we found ourselves dealing with the horror that is 9/11.Every year we learn something new. Every decade stands for something. But during 1990s, aside from learning the Macarena and wearing baby doll dresses with high cut boots, aside from thinking that boy bands were actually cool, we grew a lot as a nation. The internet has shown us that the world as we know it could be perceived as an entirely different world for others. And it is important to be tolerant of differences, to respect differences. Terror attacks have shown us the extreme effects of our intolerance.Even the preferred choice of reading material shows that we are ready to tolerate changes, unlike Harry Pottter’s human family who can’t accept the fac t that he’s a wizard. There is still so much to be learned, so many virtues to put into practice, and knowledge to be put in use. But I’d love to believe that the experiences we had in the 90s helped us a lot. And in retrospect, I hope that I will also consider this decade as great as the one it preceded. Works Cited: Lesnard, L. †Social Change, Daily Life, and the Internet†, Chimera Working Paper, 2005-07: Retrieved on 17 November 2008, http://hal.archives-ouvertes. fr/docs/00/04/46/29/PDF/CWP-2005-07-Lesnard-Social-Change. pdf Wiktorin, Pierre. â€Å"Constructing a Distinct Other: Harry Potter and the Enchantment of the Future†17 May 2005. Retrieved on 17 November 2008, http://www. anpere. net/2007/12. pdf Manzi, Powers, & Zetterlund. â€Å"Critical Information Flows in the Alfred P. Murrah Building Bombing: A Case Study†. The Terrorism Studies Series. Retrieved on 17 November 2008. http://www. mipt. org/pdf/murrahcasestudy. pdf
Friday, August 30, 2019
CCOT Essay Europe America Africa Essay
The Renaissance in Western Europe marked the end of the Middle Ages and the start of Europe’s rise as a global power. The various States in Western Europe became more centralized, and monarchs exercised more control over their subjects. Christopher Columbus’s voyage to America and his return truly began the new age of exploration for Europe. This New World discovery greatly altered the lives of Native Americans, forcing them to live with colonists and people they had never been in contact with. Meanwhile, Prince Henry’s expeditions opened up new opportunities for trade in Africa. Through the period of 1492-1750, many things changed but parts of life stayed the same such as the European domination and the presence of trade in Africa. New contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas, however, led to interaction that has evolved greatly over the span of time. The new contacts and increased trade directly cause the rise in power in the Middle-Class in Europe. Throughout the feudal period, the control of the power and wealth was in the hands of the Nobles. As trade with Africa and the Americas increased, however, a new merchant class rose. As the new class became wealthier, they began to agitate for political power, sparking large battle like the 1789 French Revolution. The social changes in the Americas were unprecedented. The diseases brought over that the Europeans were so used to like measles and smallpox decimated the Native Americans because they had no previous contact with those illnesses. One example of this is when disease infested blankets were gifted to the Aztecs by Hernan Cortez during his quest to conquer them. These tactics were then later used to take down the Incas. Native Americans were suppressed into being slaves and or servants to the Europeans. A similar trend occurred in North America. Unlike the Aztecs or Incas, North American natives were decentralized, and loosely organized by tribes. Columbus’s initial subjugation of the Haitians, forcing them to mine gold, set a precedent for future domination. Africa was greatly affected by the slave trade. Large, constant amounts of labor were needed on the Spanish and Portuguese sugarcane plantations, and Native American populations were often unable or unwilling to work as slaves. Especially after Bartolome de las Casas’s campaign against the enslavement of Native Americans, the Europeans were desperate another source of cheap labor. Because of this, the Atlantic slave trade began, beginning a long and cruel period of time where as many as 12 million slaves for transported from Africa to the Americas. This mass slave trade had both positive and negative effects on African society. Although slavery was cruel and abusive, the money some empires acquired from working with the Europeans enabled them to create stronger relations and improve overall. Despite the massive change taking place, there were various aspects of life that stayed the same. In Western Europe, the large gap between the rich and the poor was still present; even though a stronger and more powerful middle class had developed, the power was still in the hands of an elite tier of people. Literally every West Europe country was controlled by a monarchy, with barely any representation. In Britain for example, only 2% of the population could vote due to restrictions and laws. In the Americas, many tribes were still able to keep their traditional way of life. Usually, tribes unsettled by the British settlers in North America migrated westward, and since the French had yet to take control of the Louisiana Territory, they were free to continue with their traditional methods. Africa was still almost completely free. It wasn’t until the 1880’s that Africa started to become majorly colonized. Though they were less powerful than the Western Europeans, the African nations remained independent and were directly reliant on trade In conclusion; the interaction between Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas resulted in both change and continuity. A major trend that is irreversible was the newfound connection between regions. Columbus joined the New World with Europe, creating a strong relationship that still stands today. Therefore, interaction between 1492 and 1750 set a precedent for future actions.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Optimism In Voltaire’s Candide Essay
Gottfried Leibniz was, among other things, a philosopher and was best known for his philosophy on optimism. Leibniz believed that there existed a supernatural being who created and controlled the world. He further espoused that this being was perfect and being a perfect being could not make anything imperfect. Leibniz was himself a mathematician and portrayed his image of God to be a mathematician as well. This being the case, Leibniz believed that God would balance out all things in the consideration of the possible actions in the world and would conclude with the optimal equation for equilibrium. Leibniz thus believed that we live in the best of all possible worlds. It was further held by Leibniz that God could have imagined and created all kinds of worlds. But being a just and gracious God, he chose to create the best possible world. Leibniz believed that such was the world and life that God created on earth. However, being finite creatures, men could not comprehend the extent of God’s plan and were painfully aware of the misfortunes that befell them. But if events were to be viewed from God’s perspective, the harm in the world would be seen as tolerable or even necessary. This philosophy was displayed through the justification of imperfections in the world with whatever positive outcomes that may have resulted, even those not directly related or those obviously not equal to the harm brought about by the imperfection. It was thus believed that the imperfections were necessary components in order to strike an optimal way of living. It should be noted that Leibniz qualitatively excluded all other options by defining the present manner of living as best, not merely better than other options. The followers of Leibniz may not have captured this exclusion. One follower, Alexander Pope, was an author of renown during Voltaire’s time. Pope espoused not that the present world was the best of all possible worlds rather he merely believed that all actions in the world are good or right. Pope believed that whatever is, is right. Therefore, everything that is in the world is right although not necessarily what is best. This lowers the standards of Leibniz’ optimism as the philosophy becomes merely that all actions, whether harmful or not, are inherently good and also result in good. These actions may not necessarily be the optimal acts to perform but they are undoubtedly right. Voltaire himself was a deist and believed that a god set the world into motion but left it to rule itself of its own accord. Therefore he could not submit to the reasoning that the world was perfect because of the perfection of such a god. It was impossible for Voltaire to believe that the misfortunes in the world were all meant to happen and more so, that each contributed to the perfection of the world. He found this particularly unreasonable when considering the harm that natural calamities inflicted upon persons. Thus, it was the philosophies of Leibniz and Pope that Voltaire responded to in several of his writings. When he wrote Candide it was optimism that he had in mind – more it seems the optimism of Leibniz’ than Pope’s. Voltaire’s Candide In Candide, the protagonist after which the book is named, is the illegitimate nephew of a baron. He falls in love with the baron’s daughter and is soon expelled from the house for having been caught kissing the girl, Cunegonde. This sparks Candide’s travels through misfortune and luck, one following the other. Shortly after his departure from the baron’s house and an encounter with several Bulgars, he is joined by his former tutor, Pangloss. It is Pangloss who has taught Candide that all things happen for the best possible outcome. The story continues with Candide attempting to win back Cunegonde. The satire unfolds with several deaths and more resurrections with Candide finding out how the friends he thought he had lost had survived the tragedies that had befallen them. In the midst of the chaos, Candide happens upon a substantial amount of precious jewels and is thus empowered to look for his lost love, Cunegonde, who had decided to marry a wealthy man in order to preserve herself. In the process he buys back the freedom of several friends, including Pangloss. Together they purchase a small farm house where they all settle down. They soon begin to quarrel however and it is only the example of a simple farmer who has employed gardening to guard himself against vice and leisure which saves them from their squabbles. The satire revolves around the human condition and Candide is thrust upon a journey filled with different settings in which said condition might be observed. He witnesses also the changing conditions of his friends and even of his beloved Cunegonde, who shifted from being a baron’s daughter to becoming a sex slave to becoming the wife of a Governor. The story is awash with examples of the different situations in which persons find themselves and the manner in which they perceive life as a result of their situations. The human nature was demonstrated as incessantly malleable and capable of adjusting to the different conditions thrust upon it by life, whether improving or degrading their status. The question posed turned to the response of the different characters to the conditions in which they found themselves. Pangloss: The Scholar of Optimism The most distinctive response to the variety of situations that were encountered was that of Pangloss. Pangloss himself started off as an educated tutor working for a baron. When the Bulgars came and ransacked the house, Pangloss was left to become a beggar. This was how he looked when he found Candide and joined his company. However, upon reaching Spain, Candide was curtly sentenced to hang for his heretical beliefs. He disappears from the story for some time but resurfaces after Candide has accumulated some wealth and has decided to search for Cunegonde. In his search for Cunegonde, Candide finds Pangloss along with Cunegonde’s brother as enslaved members of a chain gang. Candied buys back both their freedoms and Pangloss joins the company in searching for Cunegonde and thereafter living in the small farm house with them. In the end, Pangloss finds himself part of their simple farming community, finally attaining peace from the worries of their misadventures. It is noteworthy that throughout the story Pangloss does not lose his persistent optimism. He finds himself facing every misfortune focusing on the possible positive conditions that arise from his experience, even those minutely connected to himself. A rather comic scene portrays Pangloss still optimistic about having contracted syphilis. He connects his contraction of the disease with the origin of the same – if Columbus had not contracted the disease during his travels, thus propagating its spread throughout the world, there would have been no discovery of cocoa and chocolate as well. It seems that Pangloss outweighs the terrible effects of the disease both as to the reproductive cycle as to the individual affected with the proliferation of chocolate in the market. Pangloss continues to apply such philosophy in every problem that he and Candide face. He therefore guides Candide to view each hardship as still the best of the possible worlds that could possibly have been brought forth into motion. When Pangloss and Candide reach Spain he gets into a debate regarding the application of optimism in Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden. Pangloss firmly insisted that Eve ate the forbidden fruit because it would result in the exile from the Garden and thus entrance into the best possible scenario that God could have envisioned for them. It is in this explicit expression that Voltaire introduces the role of providence and destiny in Optimism. This was the very reason why Pangloss was hanged. The insinuation that Adam and Eve were pre-ordained to be exiled from Eden reflected that they were not punished because of their own free will. Rather, Optimism excluded the existence of free will as the philosophy espoused a deterministic outlook with humans being guided along to follow only the best possible path already paved by God. It is in the character of Pangloss that Voltaire depicted Leibniz, particularly so with the repeated intonations that the world is the best possible world that could be. This is certainly the philosophy espoused by Leibniz and not the one popularized by Pope. Thus, with the multiple misfortunes that befell Pangloss and his unlikely justifications for the same, Voltaire refuted the philosophical theory of Leibniz. Certainly the world that Pangloss moved in was not the best world possible, what with its deplorable misfortunes, chaotic societies and unstable order. There was certainly a lot that could have been done to improve the living conditions and to relieve the human plight depicted. Candide: The Pupil of Optimism Voltaire reflects the rejection of Optimism through the persona of Candide. This rejection however occurs throughout the events in the story. It is only at the very end that Candide rejects his tutor’s teachings and decides that there is no place for such Optimism in light of the experiences that he has gone through. From the beginning Candide is the pupil of Pangloss and he is taught the perspective of Optimism and is indoctrinated that the world is the best possible world that could have been conceived. When Candide is joined by Pangloss after the former survives the Bulgars, Pangloss teaches him to be exultant for the opportunity that the misfortune has offered them. It is in this manner that Candide struggled to embrace and hold firm to the beliefs of his tutor. When considering the absurdly deplorable conditions that Candide was made to face, it is surprising that it took him so long to completely reject the philosophy of his tutor. There is one scene where Candide is about to be eaten by cannibals where he decides to still uphold his tutor’s theories by being grateful that he did not have to succumb to the cannibals. It is also seen through Candide’s interactions that he has adopted the outlook of his tutor as regards providence. When Candide and Cacambo travel towards Cayenne for example, Candide trusts that God will intervene for them and that providence will help them to reach their destination. This is comical particularly because of the events that have transpired heretofore which reveal that providence is not on their side. If anything, it is Voltaire’s belief that God abandons the world to take care of itself which is seen throughout the story. Thus defeating the mathematical precision of Leibniz’ Optimism. After this scene however, Candide finds himself in the utopian city of Eldorado. This causes Candide to affirm the beliefs of his tutor as he thinks that all the suffering he has gone through occurred in order for him to achieve the bliss of Eldorado. In this sense Pangloss is justified in that the misfortunes experienced were mere necessities and trivialities compared to the benefits that followed. However, upon closer analysis this theory holds no water. Certainly Eldorado is a utopian and idyllic society. But doesn’t this only serve to undermine Pangloss’ theory that the world as it is, is the best possible world that it could be? With the existence of a better society than the one which they left behind, Candide should have seen that the latter is not the best society that it could be. Rather, the imperfections noticed and experienced in the society they left behind could be controlled for in the same manner that Eldorado controlled for such imperfections. Instead of supporting Pangloss’ theory, the arrival of Candide in Eldorado only showed the stubbornness of Candide in clinging on to Optimism after all of the hardships that has befallen him and his friends. In the end however, Candide is overrun by the criticisms offered by the people he meets regarding his optimistic outlook. He is also overcome by the pragmatic descriptions given about the situation of people and the condition of the world around them. It is also noteworthy that Candide was joined by a pessimist who served to counterbalance the philosophy of Pangloss. In the end however, what might finally have driven home the loss of the cause of Optimism was Pangloss’ own admission that he did not believe in the philosophy. This above all finally spurred Candide to give focus on the task before them – that of tending their newly established garden. The Reality of Optimism The satire although posing absurd situations to the different characters, presents a clear point to the issue of Optimism. Take into consideration for example the demeanor and outlook of Candide, he was optimistic about the situations that surrounded him only when he could stomach being optimistic. It was therefore a matter of attitude that determined whether the situation was truly good or bad. It can thus be seen that there was no actual determination of the circumstances presenting themselves. However, it is such a determination that is more important in order to truly assess whether or not the outcome is beneficial to a person concerned. To focus only on the outlook or perspective of persons would be to deny the reality that faces them. What Optimism would then espouse would be nothing more than selective screening of events with encoding of events that only served to improve the situation of the person concerned. Without adequate consideration of the disadvantages that a person might have undergone prior to the improvements of the situation there would be no accurate conclusion as to the actual benefit derived. This was painfully obvious with Candide’s optimistic outlooks. He was optimistic when he was striving for something he truly wanted; with complete disregard as to the harm that he went through and the like. However, when he was discouraged and had nothing to look forward to he succumbed to the doubts of optimism and failed to justify the harm encountered with corresponding benefits that may have come his way. The mere fact that harms need to be justified reflects that there is no good or best plan behind each of these. If anything, Optimism merely welcomes the existence of pain and misfortune in the world. Optimism in effect communicates that such misfortunes are a natural component of the world and there is nothing that man can do to ease the suffering of their fellow man. Such an outlook thus fails to improve the world as it is. Instead of encouraging people to work on making the world into the idyllic place that people hope it to become, Optimism espouses indolence and fatalism as people are taught to wait for other forces to act on their behalf.
Happy earth 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Happy earth 1 - Essay Example A young learner at level A1 should be able to comprehend and use common and everyday words or expressions at a satisfactory level. For instance, a young learner should be able to construct a simple- sentence structure using the words provided in Happy Earth 1 book. He or she should be able to construct a sentence using the words ‘flamingo, ‘fly. ‘fast. (Bowler,2001)Hence, he or she should combine the words and form a simple sentence. ‘flamingos fly fast. At this level, the young learner should be able to introduce, ask and answer questions about themselves. About Happy Earth 1, a young learner should be able to write their name, for example, my name is Trevor. Their favourite physical exercise (P.E), a young learner should be able to read and write, for instance, I jump high. In the music section, a young learner should be able to say, for example, I sing loudly. Moreover, he or she should be able to say or write ‘I speak English very well.’ Level A2 learners under basic level can also cope with Happy Earth 1 book. A learner in A2 should be able to understand simple sentences and words related to their environment. For instance, under animal action (Happy Earth 1) when the author refers to an animal with a big tail, strong legs and jumps a lot, a learner at this level A2 should be able to relate the simple description to a kangaroo. This shows that he or she can relate to his environment and also comprehend the words big, strong and jumps.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Country Comparisons Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Country Comparisons - Assignment Example Japan has been experiencing declining birth rates together with low immigration rates over the last few years which have greatly contributed to the low population growth rate. Japan’s population is estimated to decline over the next coming years by about one million people each year (Connelly, 2008). United States has the best performing economy in the world with an annual average Gross Domestic Product of US$ 5337.70 billion. According to CIA World Fact book, United States GDP for the year ended 2011 was estimated at 17720 billion US dollars. This GDP has an annual average estimate growth rate of 3.25% with a 1.6% growth recorded in the year 2011 over 2010. Japan on the other side, has an annual Gross Domestic Product of US$ 2266.10 billion with an annual average growth of 2.15%. According to the CIA World Fact book, Japan’s 2011 GDP was reported to be US$ 5855billion with a growth of 0.6 percent over 2010. This shows that both countries have a high GDP as well as high growth rates (survey 2003), (CIA). Japan was reported to have a high per capita income of $39310 in December 2010. The average per capita income over the last few years has been $26593.62. United States on the other hand has an average per capita income of $25892.70 with $37,527 recorded for 2010 which is slightly below the Japan’s (Greenaway, 2012). United States has had an average inflation rate of 3.38% while Japan has had inflation rate of 2.97%. Japan recorded 0.3% inflation in February 2012 whereas United States recorded a 2.7% in March 2012 (CIA). Due to the adoption of China’s one-child policy, the population is reported to have a low population growth rate of 0.47 percent. This policy is the reason why the population consists majorly the aged. China is the most populous country in the world 1,226,718,015 people. This consists 20% of the world’s population.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Comparison of Scripting Languages Research Paper
Comparison of Scripting Languages - Research Paper Example They are categorized into scientific concerned and general purpose scripting languages. Examples of scientific based one are Matlab and Octave while those of general purpose are python and Perl. However, we are going to compare and contrast Matlab, Python, and Octave scripting languages by analyzing. According to Chapman, Matlab is a computer program enhanced to perform scientific and engineering calculations (2008). It started as a program to calculate matrix mathematics but with time, it improved to a malleable calculating program capable of resolvingbasically any technical difficult. Python is a dynamically, securely, and powerfully typed language. Python offers the clean and easy word order of the prevalent scientific calculating environments, grounded on your preferredhigh-performance FORTRAN, C, and C++ codes (Langtangen, 2008). While Octave is software, same as Matlab that has a well-matched scripting interface. However, Octave image processing purposes are not as broad as tho se provided by Matlab. Python, Matlab, and Octave scripting languages have many things in common. They have no affirmation of variables, and simple and suitable word order that make them easy to use ad to learn. In addition, they easily go together with GUIs, simulation, and visualization. However, Matlab and Octave are more independent languages, while Python requires coupling with several other packages in order to make an environment of reasonable functionality. Federico argues that, dynamic typing is easily found in scripting languages such as Python, while in Matlab and Octave both dynamic and static typing is found (2010). In addition, Python is much stronger programming language compared to Matlab and Octave making it the most convenient to use in computing scientific calculations. However, this python feature makes it to be preferred to by scientists can perform weighty operations compared to Matlab and Octave. The time needed to load and change input files folder of the Mat lab, Octave, and Python differ considerably. Python is the fastest followed by Matlab and Octave respectively. These show that Python can load fastest compared to the other two, however, it is the best in loading. In terms of the power structure examination, Python has the best performance compared to Matlab and Octave. This makes it efficient in the calculation and extremely fast compared to Matlab, though, Octave is the slowest of all. These clearly illustrate that Python programming language is stronger compared to Matlab and Octave. The Python, Matlab, and Octave environments differ considerably. The Python environment is incredibly open and is made in such a way that external tool can be integrated with it. For example, calling a program like FORTRAN from the Python is extremely easier, and the Python borders can take benefit of object- concerned scheme and easy gluing to GUIs, and visualization. However, calculating with FORTRAN from these boarders can be done in either short scripts or interacting full over a Python shell. Therefore, Python interfaces can be used to existing libraries like a way of making your own custom-made environment for resolving predicaments. Conversely, Matlab and Octave environments are not open, therefore, they cannot be easily be integrated with external tools. The characteristic of the toolbox of the Python, Matlab, and Octave also differ according to how can be contained. In Matlab and Octave, the toolbox is mostly characterized by a
Monday, August 26, 2019
Housing Development Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Housing Development Process - Essay Example However, emphasis on the architectural requirements of the houses has not been significant in the conventional practice of house development, although it is as important as the structural engineering concerns of the development. Importance of an architect is further exaggerated by a social change that has increased peoples’ interest in fashion, looks and aesthetics. An architect ensures their achievement in the finished look of the house. The housing development process requires careful consideration of various factors other than the design and aesthetics of the house. The development scheme originates from the need in a particular area, and the expenses available to the developers prior to development. Once the process of development of houses is felt beneficial for the community in a certain area, the developers look for the most appropriate site. A site that is near to the market and can offer many facilities at shortest distance from the house is considered the best for development. Once the site is selected, the developers accumulate funds either from banks, or by investments from the public. Then the site layout is prepared. Labor accommodation, site offices, and other facilities required for the development are clearly demarcated in the site layout. The project commences with the formulation of preliminary design by the architects that is matured by the structural engineers. Cost estimates are prepared simulta neously. Once the final design and cost estimates are identified, the construction begins. The houses are constructed as per the design and schedule prepared in the start of the project. It is ensured that the construction complies with the specifications devised by the architect in the start of the project. What is equally important is to ensure that the project completes exactly upon or before the time expected by the customer. Exceeding the finishing time can incur huge monetary
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Learning Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Learning Environment - Research Paper Example Environment is listed as one of the major contributors to the learning process. It has a very high impact on the knowledge that is inflicted on us. While comparing the environment to student learning, environment means external factors that affect the classroom or the learning process. These include classmates, bullies, timetables, lecturers among others. From an organization's point of view, the learning process comprises both the organization and the staff members. The environment of an organization involves the company mission and vision, core values as well as the overall strategic plans. The company resources and the annual goals and implementation processes constitute the organizational environment (Ormond, 2004). One of the major contributors to the theories of learning is Jean Piaget, who came up with the 'theory of cognitive development'. According to Piaget's theory there are four development stages of a child's development from the inherent impulses to complex activities. The four stages include; Sensorimotor Stage (Age 0-2) - In the sensorimotor stage, the rational compositions are mainly involved with the mastery of material objects. Pre-operational Stage (Age 2-7) - This stage involves the mastery of signs and symbols. Concrete Operational (Age 7-11) - In the concrete stage, children learn mastery of modules, associations and figures and how to rationale. Formal Operational (early teens after 11) - The last stage deals with the mastery of ideas and contemplation. In Piaget's theory the environment contributes since children exposed to different environments tend to master objects, signs and symbols differently, and tend to rationalize things in different means. Therefore according to Piaget the environment serves as a catalyst to learning and overall development. (Ormond, 2004.) In organizations, aspects such as technology also serve as the environment and they promote the extent of learning. Over time many changes have taken place in organizations because technology has been consistently advancing. Just a decade or so ago the postal system and the fax machine were the fastest ways to get things done. In today's environment we use emails and scans for the majority of written correspondences (Edelman, 2006). In the days gone by, in-person conferences were a daily ritual but in our fast pace world of cell phones and conference call the slow means have been replaced and it is now possible for people across the United States to purchase, finance and close deals without ever leaving their homes. Individuals today cannot live without a blackberry and a computer. Individuals and companies have to work daily with all the available advances in Technology. They are constantly in different computer programs to help with daily activities of the office (Frank, 2003). Companies are also using all types of office equipment to actively stay in touch with their clients. Without the new world of cell phones, email, multi line phone systems and faxes it would take weeks to do what is done today in just a matter of hours. Firms rely heavily on the latest advancements in the coffee world to stay
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Biomass Energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Biomass Energy - Essay Example For industrial nations it was the main energy source until the early 1900s and, in fact, many developing nations still rely on it to provide for most of their energy needs (Callà ©, et al., 1). This paper discusses the sources of biomass energy, its pros and cons and draws conclusions about its feasibility and economic viability. Biomass refers to the organic matter found in agricultural crops, trees as well as other living-plant material. It is solar energy stored up in organic matter. Carbohydrates and organic compounds formed in growing plant-life make up biomass. In the process of photosynthesis, the sun’s energy converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrates (cellulose, sugars and starches). When living plants die, they decay, the energy stored in carbohydrates is released and carbon dioxide discharged back into the atmosphere. Since the growth of new trees and other plants replenishes the supply, biomass is a renewable source of energy (, 1). Globally, people use biomass fuel for cooking in households as well as in numerous institutions and cottage industries, food processing industries, metal working industries, weaving industries, tile making and brick industries, bakeries among others. In recent times, people have set up many new plants to provide biomass energy directly through combustion, to produce electricity, or in combined heat and power facilities or ethanol through fermentation (Calle, et al., 2). In the Pacific Northwest, people have used biomass as a source of energy for meeting their needs ever since the region’s earliest occupants burned wood for heat in their campfires (, 1). Advantages of Using Biomass Energy The most important of the pros of biomass energy is that it is carbon neutral. It does not lead to any net increase in the emissions of carbon dioxide to the environment. Biomass is a constituent of the carbon cycle and as discussed earlier, during photosynthesis, plants absorb carbo n from the atmosphere and once the plant is burnt or decays, the carbon returns into the atmosphere. Since it is a cycle, other plants absorb that carbon again, in such a way that a balance between the amount of carbon that plants extract from the atmosphere and the amount of carbon that biomass fuel releases into the atmosphere is attained. Biomass fuels are therefore clean – they do not lead to the risk of change in global climate (, 4). Moreover, as Ghosh explains, the electricity generated by biomass briquettes (substances that produce electricity) is far much cleaner compared to fossil fuel-generated electricity. Another advantage of using biomass energy is that it provides a way of disposing waste materials that would otherwise be environmental hazards (, 4). Biomass energy is also a renewable and inexhaustible source of energy. The products obtained are bio-fuel and biogas. Electricity and heat are generated during the production of bioma ss energy. The use of biomass energy also helps in the management of solid waste thereby keeping us free from pollution. Daily burning of biological wastes decreases the levels of carbon emitted into the atmosphere. It therefore ensures that there exists an ecological balance of carbon in the environment (Ghosh, 4). Compared to oil and coal, biomass energy is not expensive. They typically cost roughly 33% less than fossil fuels performing the same task. This means that every year, one can spend 33% less on heating his/her home, which amounts to a substantial saving in a period of 10 or 15 years. Moreover, biomass is readily accessible in large quantities all over the globe – there is overabundance of agricultural and organic waste
Friday, August 23, 2019
Life Coaching Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Life Coaching - Article Example Furthermore, it is never too late to take a breather, evaluate one's circumstances, and change course if this becomes the apparent ideal solution to a problem or a difficult situation. Life coaching is an effective tool which one can rely on achieving the needed clarity, set up a process by which specific, measurable, and achievable goals are set, and a clear strategy to achieve these goals is outlined. There are different types of coaching, such as sports or performance coaching, leadershipcoaching, strategy coaching, skills coaching, career coaching, personal or life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching, etc. Life Coaching, to define it, "is the practice of assisting clients to determine and achieve personal goals." (Permut) Life coaching is an alliance between a client and a coach who is a professional and provides guidance and accountability. The coach helps by first empowering one in defining exactly what one's true dreams, passions, strengths, weaknesses, fears are, and then in guiding in achieving specific goals based on exactly that individual's profile. The coach however does not take responsibility for any of the client's action. The client is in full control of his destiny at every step. The environment is that of support, trust, motivation and encouragement. Complete confidentiality, as allowed by the law is always assured. In the end this process will enabl... He/she is confident that all weaknesses and fear can be either overcome or leveraged for success. The International Coach Federation also acknowledges the great value of coaching in producing important benefits in the clients' personal and professional lives. "Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life." (Rothwell and Sullivan, 389) It is, however, fundamental to realize that life coaching is not psychotherapy or consulting. "Coaching is not psychotherapy... Unlike therapy, the coaching relationship is a partnership and is much more egalitarian than the traditional therapy relationship [and] the coaching orientation is outcome and action driven in the external environment." (Gooding, 36) Significantly, coaching focuses on empowerment, values, wants, desires, and visions of the future and the action to make those visions happen. Similarly, coaching is not consulting: the latter deals with problem solving tactics, action plans, achieving precise targets etc, whereas the former concentrates chiefly on action based learning. Modern life as well as business is all about stress, problems, tensions etc. The value of life coaching is becoming increasingly apparent. Most essentially, the return on investment in life coaching has increased tremendously and it will continue to fetch great profit to the investors. The case of MetrixGlobal is a convincing example. "Program costs were tabulated for all 43 leadership development participants in determining the return on investment. A 529% return on investment was produced by the coaching process (excluding the benefits from employee retention)."
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Performance Management System of Banglalink Essay Example for Free
Performance Management System of Banglalink Essay The mark an employee receives in his/her evaluation plays a very important role in his/her chances of promotion. Banglalink uses the Performance Review form which is generally termed as â€Å"Adjective Checklist†The Performance Review forms are sent to all the people who act as supervisors of a certain number of employees. The supervisors are instructed to evaluate their subordinates They are specifically instructed to evaluate the job performance of the employee; and not to evaluate the employee himself or herself as a person. The supervisor fills out the form himself During his evaluation, he may consult with the employee if the supervisor has any remarks; he puts them on the form also. After all these are completed, he assigns marks on the rating. The marks are specified on the form. After the supervisor completes his evaluation, his section head reviews the form If he has other thoughts about the person evaluated, he then consults both the supervisor and the subordinate, whose performance was evaluated, and then clarifies the matter. He then gives his own remarks. Then the form is sent to the Departmental Head, who gives the final acknowledgement when he assesses that everything is in order. Thus all the filled out forms are gathered and sent to the Banglalink head-office, where these forms are sorted and arranged Then the top management reviews these forms. They evaluate the markings received. Then they can make a certain judgments on the employees abilities and performance The present position of the employee and his current salary along with the marks and recommendations he received are combined to make a matrix With this matrix, the employees increment is calculated. [pic] Appraisal Feedback After the evaluation has been done, the top management makes their decisions nd forms future plans Where the evaluation results are not satisfactory, the top management asks for more information After getting the information, they sit with the Departmental Head of the employee under scrutiny and then they proceed to assess the situation. Later they discuss the situation with the rater and the employee he rated and then they make their decision. When the evaluation results are pos itive and the top management has made their decisions about the employees increments or promotion, the employees are given the information in an informal manner. Thus, they are assured of the assessment that has been made of them. In this way they are kept motivated. 3. Research Methodology Type of Research The project falls in the category of exploratory and descriptive research, i. e, a research designed to evaluate the Performance Appraisal of Banglalink. This applies to the research part. Prior to that, the organizational part is helpful for the clear understanding of the existing position of Banglalink and also serves the purpose of the exploratory. Besides, a limited scale of causal research has been also included to examine the cause and effect relationship among variables. Basic Research Method The basic research method in this theoretical Knowledge, field survey and practical orientation. In that the annual report and websites were the major source of secondary data. Besides, the discussion with the concerned managers/employees (Primary data) yielded the additional information to fill up the gaps and helped in clear understanding. Sources and Method of data collection To carry out the research study, data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources Primary Data Primary data have been collected as follows Structured Questionnaire Keeping the problem statement in view, a number of questions in the form of checklist had been formulated. The checklist had been the main tool for relevant question to the primary data sources to formulated the operational definition of the problem statement and precisely find out the area of study. Questionnaire were developed incorporating mixed type of questions. One type of questionnaire for the managers at Banglalink and the other type is for employees. Some questions were common for all while some questions were exclusive for either group. Questionnaires were designed in such a way so that all-important elements of the performance appraisal system can be covered by it. After questionnaire formulation, an exhaustive and deliberate discussion was conducted and necessary adjustments were made. Pretest for screening of the questionnaire has been carried out. After pretest, the final questionnaire has been prepared.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hassans Story Essay Example for Free
Hassans Story Essay
Factors Affecting Contrast In An Xray Image Health Essay
Factors Affecting Contrast In An Xray Image Health Essay To test resolution, a line pair guage is used. To measure MTF in an x-ray system, the sine wave equivalent of a line pair gauge is used. The closest distinguishable pair of cycles determines the best MTF, it is quoted in cycles per mm [2]. A common way to express the system resolution is to quote the frequency where the MTF is reduced to either 3%, 5% or 10% of the original height [3]. MTF and spatial frequency are related by MTF curves. Examples of MTF curves are given below; Mammography System: Fig 2: MTF curve for a mammography system [4]. Chest Radiography System: Fig 3: MTF curve for a typical chest X-ray. Three different detector types are indicated on the plot [5]. Fluoroscopy System: Fig 4: MTF curve for a Fluoroscopy system with plots shown for individual components of the imaging process. The film and the optics have excellent resolution. The MTF of the imge intensifier is shown to have a limiting resolution of approximately 4.8 cycles/mm. The TV camera is the worst in the series, it limits the MTF of the overall image during live fluoroscopy and videotaped imaging. [6] Question 2: Contrast is the variation in brightness or optical density across an image. Factors affecting contrast in an x-ray image include the tube output, or the kVp. This is a measure of the energy of the x-ray beam leaving the x-ray tube and passing through the patient to form an image. X-rays with higher kVp can penetrate deeper into materials. In an image with the correct kVp bone is white and soft tissues and air are gray/black. If the kVp is too high, the x-rays will pass through even dense bone, creating an image that is mostly black with indistinguishable features [7]. The opposite occurs when a kVp which is too low is used. The most suitable kVp depends on the feature under investigation. Also among the factors affecting the image contrast is the patient. The density, the atomic number Z and the thickness of the part of the patient being imaged. Denser tissue, tissue with higher Z or tissue of a greater thickness results in lighter areas on the image because they have blocked the x-r ay from exposing the image receptor. Variation in contrast occurs because tissues in the body attenuate x-rays differently. The human eye can percieve a difference of approximately 2% in contrast between adjacent areas [8]. The final influence on image contrast to be discussed here is the image receptor. In film imaging, the contrast of the resultant image depends on the sensitivity of the film used. To produce an image with the correct contrast, a film with corrresponding sensitivity must be chosen before imaging. In digital imaging, there is no fixed sensitivity. It has the advantage of being able to record the full range of exposures and digital processing after imaging can be used to improve the contrast in the image. Image contrast can be evaluated using a densiometer. This device emits light of a known energy. The light is reflected back from the image and detected by the densitometer. The difference in energy between emitted and detected light is used to compute the optical density (blackness) in that area. Since contrast is the variation in optical density, this method can be used to survey the contrast in the image. Question 3: The following description is based on an article from the NDT database [9]. Spatial resolution of an x-ray system is limitied by the size of the focal spot. Fourier analysis can be used to calculate the focal spot size. X-rays are passed through a test object with a known pattern. This test object is placed between the x-ray source and detector, the arrangement is shown in the figure below. The focal spot of the x-ray is not assumed to be point-like, as the detector is moved away from the source, the detected focal spot appears larger. Blurring of the image by the detector is included, this blurring is related to the point spread funtion (psf) of the detector. Otherwise, an ideal detector is assumed. Image deterioration due to noise is also factored into the description. Fig 5: Setup for determing the focal spot size. The X-ray source, the flat object, and the intensity distribution measured at the detector system lie in different planes for which different coordinate systems with the variables (x, y), (x, y) and (x, y) respectively, are used. This is done in order to include magnification effects in the calculations. The measurement of the x-ray transmission, t, is derived mathematically. This is done by convolving the intensity distribution of the focal spot f with the transmission profile of the flat object g and the detector point spread function d. Also, t is deteriorated by noise, which is taken into consideration by addition of a noise term n to the result of the convolution. In order to take into account the geometrical magnification, V, of the setup, these functions are represented in one of these planes (here the plane of the detector), whereby the physical magnification effects of the setup were observed before the convolution is accomplished, this is shown in the second part of the equation below. The magnification is the distance between the source and the detector system divided by the distance between the source and the object. The Convolution Theorem states that the Fourier transform of a convolution is the product of the Fourier transforms. Conversely, the Fourier transform of a product is the convolution of the Fourier transforms. Using the above equation, a deconvolution of t with gâ‚ ¬Ã‚ (â‚ ¬Ã‚ d yields an estimate of f. In a technique like this, a suitable test object is measured. The resulting image corresponds to a convolution of the test object with the intensity distribution of the focal spot and other factors. Information on the focal spot is derived from this measurement using knowledge on the test object and other influencing values which means that the convolution process is undone to a certain extent. Also, with the presented method an arbitrary two dimensional intensity distribution can be measured, regardless of shape. According to the convolution theorem, a convolution in the spatial domain corresponds to a point-by-point multiplication in the corresponding Fourier domain. Furthermore, according to the addition theorem, an addition in the spatial domain corresponds to an addition in the corresponding Fourier domain. (Note: lower case letters represent functions and upper case letters represent the Fourier transforms of the equivalent functions.) The initial equation now becomes; At certain spatial frequencies | N | can be significantly higher than| F Æ’-â‚ ¬Ã‚ P |. At these spatial frequencies division of T by P mainly increases noise and deteriorates the image quality. This is due to the fact, that information on F is lost at these spatial frequencies. For that reason, independently of the deconvolution method applied, all spatial frequencies which are contained with high intensity in | F | should be contained with high intensity in |P| in order that | FÆ’- P | is significantly larger than | N |. This means that the test object (in combination with the detector imaging properties) should contain the major spatial frequencies which are required to describe the focal spot with sufficient intensity. In this case F can be restored well at these spatial frequencies, which yields a good estimate of f. Question 4: Using a bar phantom similar to that used for determining resolution can lead to an error determining the focal spot size. This is because the line pairs are aligned in one direction only. For accurate measurement of the focal spot size, many images with the bar phantom at different angles would be necessary [10]. To overcome this problem, a star phantom is used. This is a disc of alternating Lead spokes and x-ray transparent material. At a particular diameter of the focal spot the image of the spokes blurs, i.e., adjacent spokes cannot be distinguished from each other. The diameter of the blur is an indication of the focal spot size [11]. Fig 6: Star pattern for testing focal spot size [12] Question 5: 5a. The most obvious parts of a CT scanner are the moving patient table and the gantry or tube. Conventional projection radiography is limited because it collapses 3D objects onto 2D images. CT has a rotating system of emission and detection and so it can give accurate 3D diagnostic information about the distribution of structures inside the body. Inside the gantry there is the X-ray tube, x-ray detectors and slip-rings. The X-ray beam is collimated and radiates in a fan-beam shape. The x-ray emitter and detectors rotate in the gantry to measure projections that form an image that is a slice though the body. There are brushes around the rotating slip-rings to transmit signals. In CT, the linear attenuation coefficient, ÃŽÂ ¼ is measured. This tells how much intensity is lost as the beam travels through the medium. This distribution of ÃŽÂ ¼ is the basis of image formation. There are two distinct motions of the x-ray beam relative to the patients body during CT imaging. One motion i s the scanning of the beam around the body. The other motion is the movement of the beam along the length of the body. This is achieved by moving the body through the beam as it is rotating around Fig 7: External appearance of a CT scanner. [13] Fig 8: Basic schematic of the construction of a CT scanner. Fig 9: CT image quality and electromechanical acceptance tests. The Priority column indicates which of the tests are the most important. [14] 5b. CT images are formed by multiple intersecting projections. This is illustrated in the figure on the left. In the bottom right section, it is seen that the combination of the projections causes blurring in the final image. The blurring goes as 1/r, i.e., it is proportional to the distance from the centre point. The 2D Fourier transform of 1/r is 1/à  . Since the inverse of 1/à  is |à  |, it is possible to compute the 2D Fourier Transform of the blurred image, multiply the Fourier transform of the resultant image by |à  | and the calculate the inverse Fourier transform to obtain a sharper image [15]. Fig 10: On the left, unfiltered back projections and on the right, filtered back projections. The conversion is done in the spatial domain by convolving the projection with the IFT of |à  |. Fig 11: The mathematics of the image reconstruction process, can be expressed compactly in the above equation, where the terms have been grouped to reflect the filtered-back-projection approach [15]. 5c. The fundamental system performance indicators are CT number, resolution, noise, and patient dose.26 The accuracy of CT numbers is measured by scanning a water-filled phantom at least monthly. The CT number for water should be zero over a 20-cm-diameter phantom, with a variation of less than 1 CT number. Deviation from the expected CT number of 0 for water at any energy is adjusted by applying a correction factor for the pixel value. Constancy of the value should be monitored with a daily scan. An overall check of system performance is obtained from semiannual measurements of CT image noise, defined as the standard deviation of CT numbers in a region of interest. Constancy of performance is checked by evaluation of the standard deviation in the daily water scan mentioned previously. Resolution is measured by scanning phantoms on a monthly basis. Of particular importance is low contrast resolution, which is a sensitive indicator of changes in component performance as they affect noise. Patient dose is evaluated semiannually. Specially designed ionization chambers provide measurements from which the dose may be calculated for the exposure conditions (narrow beam, variable slice thickness) used in CT. The values should agree with manufacturers specifications to within 20%. [hendee]
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
History Kennedy :: essays research papers
I. Kennedy and The Cold War      A.The Election of 1960- As President Eisenhower's 2nd term drew to a close, a mood of restlessness arose among voters.           1.Kennedy and The Canidate-Kennedy intered the race with a well-organized campain, the backing of his large family, and a handsome look and charisma that appealed to voters.           2.Televised Debate- a milestone of the campain was the 1st televised debate ever between presidental canididates.           3.Kennedy and the King-Hearing of King's arrest, Kennedy called King's wife.      B.Crisis of Cuba-The 1st test of Kennedy's foreign policy came 90 miles off the coast of Florida.           1.The Cuban Dilemma-Castrode to power on the promise of democracy.           2.The Bay of Pigs-1960, President Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to secretly train hundreds of Cuban exiles.           3.Cuban Missile Crisis-Castro had a powerful ally in Moscow - Soviet premier Nikita Kruskchev.      C.Tragedy 'n Dallas-No one could presee that a terrible national tradegy lay just ahead.           1.Four Days in November-Kennedy was shot in the head.           2.Unanswered Questions-The Warren Commision concluded that Kennedy had been shot by Oswald. II.The Great Society      A.LBJ's Path to Power-His ambition and dive had become legendary.           1.From Texas Hills to Cap. Hill-LBJ grew up in Texas.           B.Joshson's Domestic Agenda-Americans began to solve national problems.           1.War On Poverty-August 1964, Congress enacted the economic oppertunity act           2.1964 Election-LBJ won by a lanslide.      C.Building The Great Society-In May 1964, Johnson had summed up the grand vision for america in a phase.           1.Landmark Legislation-Johnson considered education the key to success. III.The Continuing Cold War      A.The Election of 1945- As President Eisenhower's 2nd term drew to a close, a mood of restlessness arose among voters.           1.Kennedy and The Canidate-Kennedy intered the race with a well-organized campain, the backing of his large family, and a handsome look and charisma that appealed to voters.           2.Televised Debate- a milestone of the campain was the 1st televised debate ever between presidental canididates.           3.Kennedy and the King-Hearing of King's arrest, Kennedy called King's wife.      B.Crisis of Cuba-The 1st test of Kennedy's foreign policy came 90 miles off the coast of Florida.           1.The Cuban Dilemma-Castrode to power on the promise of democracy.           2.The Bay of Pigs-1960, President Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to secretly train hundreds of Cuban exiles.           3.Cuban Missile Crisis-Castro had a powerful ally in Moscow - Soviet premier Nikita Kruskchev.      C.Tragedy 'n Dallas-No one could presee that a terrible national tradegy lay just ahead.           1.Four Days in November-Kennedy was shot in the head.           2.Unanswered Questions-The Warren Commision concluded that Kennedy had been shot by Oswald. IV. The New Frontier      A.The Camelot Years- President JFK's inauguration set the tone for life a new era.
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Clockwork Orange, by Stanley Kubrick Essay -- Film Analysis
A Clockwork Orange is a Stanley Kubrick film from 1971. Kubrick directed the film and wrote the screen play based on the 1962 novel from author Anthony Burgess. A Clockwork Orange was originally rated, â€Å"X†and nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Film Editing and Best Screenplay, but lost in each category to William Friedkin's The French Connection ( The set design is by John Barry, costume design by Milena Canonero, music by Wendy Carlos and cinematography by John Alcott. A Clockwork Orange was awarded the New York Film Critics Awards for Best Film and Best Direction ( Distributed by Warner Brothers, the estimated budget was $2,200,000 with a Gross of $26,589,355 in the USA alone ( Most notable of the cast are actors Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee and Michael Bates. According to film critic James Berardinelli, â€Å"A Clockwork Orange is not an easy motion picture to absorb or digest.†Oddly, the sex and violence are easier to take than the razor-sharp edge of Kubrick's satire and the corresponding awareness of its pinpoint accuracy when addressing the issue of the dehumanization of people†(Berardinelli). Roger Ebert thought the movie was overhyped compared to its worth. He felt that the movie was an artistic sin. â€Å"It is just plain talky and boring. You know there's something wrong with a movie when the last third feels like the last half†( The audience reactions all seem to say the same thing: â€Å"Brilliant movie†, â€Å"a gem of an art piece†, â€Å"sensational†, â€Å"the number one film of all time on my charts†(IMDb Reviews), with many claiming that it has to be watched more than once to truly appreciate the film. The movie has earned a 91% "Certified Fresh" ra... ...D=/19720211/REVIEWS/202110301/1023>. "The Kubrick FAQ Part 2." Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . IMDb Reviews. Web. 17 Mar. 2012. . Flame into Being: The Life and Work of D. H. Lawrence (Heinemann, London 1985) Anthony Burgess, p 205 Bugge, Christian. "The Kubrick Site: The ACO Controversy in the UK." Web. 04 Apr. 2012. . Kipp, Jeremiah. "A Clockwork Orange." Slant Magazine. Slant Magazine. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. . "A Clockwork Orange (1971)." A Clockwork Orange. Web. 08 Apr. 2012. .
Sunday, August 18, 2019
State of California versus Frankenstein :: Argumentative Persuasive Mary Shelley Essays
State of California versus Frankenstein Ladies and gentleman of the jury we are gathered here today to highlight the injustices, prove the innocence, and consequently save the life of a man that has been dealt the wrong hand since even before his existence. A man who with no power of his own, was put into situations that forced him to behave the way that he did. His actions were just mirror reflections of the behavior that he was taught, and seeing how he was perceived as being a monster rather than human, he soon began to fulfill the role of the monster he was seen as. Mr. Frankenstein had not the power nor was he given the ability to control his own actions. He has been made a victim of circumstance. In conclusion, I will try to prove that Frankenstein should not be held personally or morally responsible for his actions, because forces outside his control caused his criminality. < Doctor Victor Frankenstein once stated "A new species will bless me as its creator and source: many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me" (Shelley 223). Yet, Dr. Victor did not think about the consequences of his actions, he did not think about the effect it would have on his creation. He was just empowered by the vision of creating a human being. "His sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body" (Shelley 233). Dr. Victor gathered the material he needed to create Frankenstein. Yet, he never thought of the negative aspects that his creation would inherit due to its degenerate body parts. First, let's talk about the neurophysiological aspect. Frankenstein was given an abnormal brain, the brain of a criminal. To the Doctor's defense he did not know that the stolen brain was one that belonged to a criminal;however, it is very possible that the new brain recipient inherited the anti-social behavior possessed by the former. A second point worth noting is Frankensteins' genetic makeup. The massive abnormalities in which Frankenstein has had to endure reflects his behavior. For example, his unproportionate body parts his hands longer than a normal human being. This mans' unusual height, eight feet tall is proportionally larger and stronger than any other man. A figure covered by many scars that bond each piece of raw material that was used to create Frankenstein. And that face, the face of an outcast, which whenever seen, frightens any creature around, whether it be human or animal.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
College Entrepreneurs Do Good and Make Money
â€Å"College Entrepreneurs Do Good and Make Money,†(Nickels, McHugh, & McHugh, 2010, p. 26). They are really business and success story. True college entrepreneurs will do anything possible to reach their goals by being original and innovative. They pick an idea based on the customer needs and use it to develop the plan. We have heard about several young millionaires entrepreneurs that started their business while they were still attending college, such as Mark Zuckerberg who launched Facebook while still attending Harvard. Now he is one of the youngest billionaires in the world. Ryan Allis and Aaron Houghton were also college students with the determination of success, and they have taken their dreams into a blossoming entrepreneur. We find their case as a really good lesson to learn about being a successful entrepreneur, these two young college students were able to take risk and find a need to fill in the community. Another thing that was imperative for their success was the preparation of their idea about the role of each other into the business. They were able to take something they both enjoyed; computers, and create a business using their mutual talents. Aaron had strong product development skills, and Ryan was bright in marketing skills; they complemented each other very well, this helped with the growing of the corporation. Once you have your business scheme you must make certain that you have a well-defined plan. It must offer a clear direction for the enterprise and describe the market you wish to target, also the potential risks and rewards, the people that will help you get there, and how you are going to get there. We think that having a dream is great but it will not move you to start anything; you need to have willpower to be able to execute the first step. Aaron and Ryan only had a couple of hundred dollars to start their business, but they were able to run their business and start with a small amount of capital. They basically started with the little resources they already had; the internet, technology, and a love to access to computers. We do not need to start gigantic to create a successful business. We also think that the fact that Ryan and Aaron were young and seem that they did not have a family to support, pay mortgages or children to rise. They were not depending on a profit from their initial investment, in contrast, with a person with a family and responsibilities to face. Determining the accurate level of planning to do can be not easy. But we agree, that waiting too long will not get you going, it is important to start and you will find new resources, meet new people, and get new opportunities to make your dream come true.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Crisis Of Underperformance Education Essay
Education is considered as the most valuable tool for human edifice †( Barineka Nbina, 2010 ) . Education nationally is recognized as the greatest investing in the state that can convey civilisation, development and socio-economic advancement. The twenty-first century is characterized by promotion in scientific discipline and engineering ( Okebukola, 1996 ) . â€Å" In his survey Barineka Nbina ( 2010 ) point out that every state is endeavoring to accomplish scientific and technological discovery with their environment. Therefore, the instruction of scientific discipline and engineering is going more demand and activity oriented than earlier †. Existing research suggest that Information and Communication Technology ICT has been integrated into capable instruction ( Hennessy et al, Granger et Al, Jamieson-Proctor et Al ) . The hapless criterion of scientific discipline in secondary schools nationally remains as a major issue. Badr ( 2010 ) reference that 70 per cent of 10,000 secondary school pupils that were surveyed in Egypt said that uninspiring learning discourage so to prosecute farther instruction in scientific discipline watercourse. â€Å" Teachers need to comprehend ICT as chiefly a tool for learning and larning across the course of study although there are foundations accomplishments in ICT that pupils need to larn before they can take part to the full in an ICT-rich schoolroom. †( Tin, 2002 ) . ICT is an indispensable facet of everyone ‘s day-to-day life with about every sector recommending for the usage of ICT to carry through its undertakings. The bing research survey shows that the usage of ICT as a back uping tool in instruction is a precedence for about all states but advancement has been uneven. There is significant difference adulthood within and between schools within the state in footings of ICT. A really low per centum of schools have embedded ICT into the course of study, and show high degrees of successful and appropriate ICT usage to back up learning across the state. Reynolds ( 2003 ) in his findings revealed that several instructors reveal that ICT has surely raised criterio n and presentation of work, while many of the instructors from most schools still see ICT as uneffective and clip cachexia. Reynolds e.tal ( 2003 ) further reveals that these findings reveal that the attack of learning differs from school to school.3. Research Problem and Aims ( Required words 150 and Actual words 209 )Problem statementThe crisis of underperformance of our instruction and preparation system remains a major issue. The criterions of public presentation in our instruction system are really low. Although in 2010 the base on balls rate increased by 6.8 % to 67.5 % . , but there is still a concern with hapless public presentation in Science. Science larning requires skilled and specialist instructors who provide quality inputs in the schoolroom. Barineka Nbina ( 2010 ) found that every state is endeavoring to accomplish scientific and technological discovery with their environment. Therefore, the instruction of scientific discipline and engineering is going more demand an d activity oriented than earlier. Badr ( 2010 ) reference that 70 per cent of 10,000 secondary school pupils that were surveyed in Egypt said that uninspiring learning deter them to prosecute farther instruction in the scientific discipline. Possibly the hapless public presentation in Science is due to miss of instructor ‘s resources.PurposeThe purpose of this research is to look into the current resources used by instructors to learn, the effects that affects those resources and to better the academic competences and ICT acceptance in instruction of scientific discipline in secondary schools by planing an e-teaching intercession tool. This will give the consequences to enable those who would make good in the programme to be eligible for entry into a sheepskin programme in third instruction.4. Literature Review ( Required words 1000 and Actual words 1195 )Theoretical modelThis research will be grounded on Technological credence theoretical account ( TAM ) model and Task-techno logy tantrum ( TTF ) theoretical account. TAM construct specifies that â€Å" the causal relationships between system design characteristics, perceived usefulness the grade to which a individual believes that utilizing a peculiar system would heighten his or her occupation public presentation †( Davis, 1989 ) , perceived easiness of usage â€Å" the grade to which a individual believes that utilizing a peculiar system would be free from attempt †( Davis, 1989 ) , attitude toward utilizing, and existent use behavior ( Davis, 1989 ) . â€Å" TAM provides the overall enlightening representation of the mechanisms by which design picks influence user credence, and should hence be helpful in applied contexts for prediction and measuring user credence of information engineering †. TTF theory holds the theory that engineering will merely be used if its capablenesss are fiting to the demands of the undertaking to be performed and it ‘s more likely to hold a posi tive impact ( Goodhue and Thompson, 1995 ) . Technology that does non offer sufficient advantage it will non be used. The ground of uniting these two theoretical accounts is because it captures two different facets of user ‘s picks to use information and communicating engineering. Dishaw et Al ( 2002 ) indicate that â€Å" Both facets, attitude toward the IT ( TAM ) and rationally determined expected effects from utilizing the IT ( TTF ) , are likely to impact user ‘s picks to utilize IT. TAM will be used to look into on the factors that affect ICT tools acceptance by instructors for learning scientific discipline. TTF will be used to analyze the impact of ICT tools that are presently available to help instructors.Use of ICT in ClassroomsAl-Zaidiyeen et Al ( 2010 ) conducted a research in â€Å" Teachers ‘ Attitudes and Levels of Technology Use in Classrooms: †their findings revealed that the degree of ICT usage by rural secondary schools instructors is low, this implies that ICT are barely of all time used for educational intents by instructors in rural secondary schools. â€Å" Teachers are more likely to integrate ICT usage in their schoolroom if they see its relevancy to their direction and are convinced that the design of instruction package is compatible with educational ends and the single acquisition demands of pupils. †( Al-Zaidiyeen et Al, 2010 )Use of ICT as medium for learning scientific disciplineYucel et Al ( 2010 ) in a survey of â€Å" Models to research Turkish instructors ICT integrating phases and the factors that affect ICT integrating †indicate that a batch of ICT integrating to instruction has failed because instructors were unsure about how ICT could be integrated into the course of study. Yucel ( 2010 ) indicate that in order for instructors to be able to utilize ICT they should be equipped with the necessary accomplishments and cognition. Flick and bell argues that although ICT is a buzzing word in this century but still â€Å" few instructors really do non understand how engineering is used in scientific dis cipline, nor can they adequately describe the relationship between scientific discipline and engineering. †Flick and Bell ( 2000 ) indicate that â€Å" If the intent of engineering in scientific discipline instruction is to heighten scientific discipline instruction and larning instead ( than for the engineering ‘s sake entirely ) , a different attack is necessary †. Flick and Bell ( 2000 ) further provinces that instructors should look at engineering as a manner of assisting pupils explore subjects in more deepness and in more synergistic ways. Bell and Flick reached these consequences by garnering thoughts from cognition of research, K-12 learning experience, and learning experience in scientific discipline instructor instruction with engineering.Teachers ‘ Knowledge and Attitudes towards ICT usageYucel et Al ( 2010 ) consequences revealed that there is no relationship between instructor ‘s negative attitude and instructors ‘ cognition on ICT . Yecul et Al ( 2010 ) reached these consequences by transporting out correlativity analysis between dependant and independent variables. Yucel et Al ( 2010 ) further indicate that â€Å" attempt seeking to better instructors ‘ attitudes is non likely to hold a direct impact unless their feeling of ego adequateness is improved †. Yecul et Al ( 2010 ) consequences contradict with Al-Zaidiyeen et Al ( 2010 ) consequences. Researchers globally believe that the usage of ICT tools for educational intents depends upon the attitudes of instructors toward the engineering ( Summers, 1990 ; Al-Zaidiyeen et Al, 2010 ) . Al-Zaidiyeen et Al ( 2010 ) reached the consequences by appraising indiscriminately selected 650 instructors in Jordan, in the usage of ICT, and the degree of attitude of instructors towards the usage of ICT.ICT Adoption betterment intercessionsTrainingAdeyinka et Al ( 2007 ) in the survey of an appraisal of secondary school instructor ‘s utilizations of ICT : deduction for farther development of ICT ‘s usage in Nigerian secondary schools suggests that in order for instructors to be technological progress, they need to go to ICT workshops.5. Research Methodology ( Required words 200 and Actual words 612 )This research will consist of 3 stage ‘s, each stage will lend in better shaping this survey. This survey will use instance survey and a descriptive study method to let the research worker a graphic description of how secondary school instructors are doing usage of ICTs.Phase 1: To analyze the current instruction intercession tools that are utilized in secondary schools for instructors to better Teach scientific disciplineA instance survey will be used in which an interview with KwaZulu natal secondary schools scientific discipline instructors will be conducted to analyze current methods of ICT ‘s that are utilized as support tool for them to learn scientific discipline better. Lone instructors from class 10,11and 12 w ill be interviewed. The interview inquiries will consist of both open-ended inquiries and close-ended inquiries. Examples of inquiries to be asked such as: 1. Which ICTs tool do instructors hold entree on? 2. What is the adequacy degree of the assorted facets of ICT availability/ entree in your school? Datas collected from these interviews will be used to better derive insight on the current ICT tools of learning scientific discipline that are used in secondary schools. This information will assist for theoretical coverage on current toolsPhase 2: To look into the factors that are impacting the use of those toolsA descriptive study method will be used, whereby class 10, 11 and 12 scientific discipline instructors will be handed a questionnaire in KwaZulu natal secondary schools to analyze the factors that are impacting the use of instructors back uping tool to learn scientific discipline better. The research variables for this stage are: instructors demographics, instructors ‘ perceptual experience about the sensed easiness of utilizing ICT, Teachers perceived utility of ICT, instructor ‘s old ages of experience, teacher ‘s cognition all these are independent variables, the dependant variable will be, Perceived usage of ICT by instructors to better Teach scientifi c discipline All points in collected information from the questionnaire will be subjected to a factor analysis spontaneously. A varimax rotary motion will be used to pull out factors. Likert type grading will besides be applied across all points. Stepwise arrested development techniques will be employed to explicate discrepancy the factors that are impacting the use of ICT scientific discipline instruction tools. Descriptive and illative statistics will besides be employed.Phase 3: To plan and prove an e-teaching intercession tool for helping instructors to learn scientific discipline betterOn the completion of the first two stages, the factors will be known. An appropriate intercession e-teaching tool will be designed and experimented with the purpose of measuring the effectivity it has on the instruction of scientific discipline in secondary schools. The experiment will affect five instructors from class 10 to 12 who will be selected from rural and urban schools in KwaZulu natal state of South Africa.
Comparing Fast Food Giants Burger King and McDonald’s
Burger King Versus McDonald’s Fast Food Franchises have raised many questions or debates that have risen because of obesity issues and health concerns in our society to this day. This has led me to compare Burger King and McDonald’s. Comparison of these two companies to see exactly what they have to offer and the fact that people seem to look at all fast food the same. It is all bad for you and causing health issues. Burger King and McDonald’s are the top two fast food chains and are known for serving unhealthy foods, but there are healthy choices available, as salads. As I have done my research to see if there are healthy options when we eat at these places. Truly comes down to whether it is us or the franchises making the wrong choices or whose fault it really is. Fast food franchises being all of the same or having differences amongst food options and services offered. Similarities Main thing appears to be a burger, fries, and a soft drink is what they are known for. Both of the franchises basically offer the same types of foods, combo meals, children meals, dollar menus, super sizes available, play lands and a drive thru for that fast service. Usually you can bet the food will taste the same each time you go, giving us the feeling of reliability. Whether you want to sit down as a family or eat on the go. Both of the companies keep the cost down to make it an affordable meal and giving us a variety to choose from. They both serve breakfast, lunch, and supper options. This is partially what makes it hard for us to say no. The convenience and time saving options really hit home to our busy schedules. Differences: Now even though they both seem to be basically the same, there are differences within these two franchises. One way that they are different is in the way they prepare and process their foods. At Burger King, they use a process where there is no human intervention while cooking their burgers. No one has to stand there and flip the burgers. This is saving time and providing employees to be available to keep moving and making meals more quickly. They also use a broiler, giving us that broiler taste. Where McDonald’s uses a basic grill style and someone has to be there constantly to turn and flip the burgers. Burger King has bigger and thicker burgers, providing more for your buck. They also have the option of onion rings instead of fries, and they are lower in calories than fries. When concerning their fries, they even have the option of no salt on them. This is an amazing option for those of us watching our sodium intake. The one thing that I was surprised with is that they provide Kraft macaroni and cheese and apple fries in the children’s meals, along with milk. The fries are still included, but for those parents who do not want them to have the fries, there is your other option. McDonald’s gives you a wider range of choices in desserts and salads. They offer 10 different types of salads, where Burger King only offers you 3 types of salads. Their happy meal is including a choice of low fat chocolate and white milk, fries along with apple slices. If you do not want your child to have fries, there’s the option of two packages of apple slices. They are attempting to offer a healthier choice for your children. Healthier choices If you want just the basic burger, fries, and a beverage, it really does not matter where you go; they both offer these and come down to the consumer’s taste buds. Basically either place you go, they both have begun to offer many healthy food options. It still is not the best choice, but you can choose something that will not cause so much weight gain. It is coming down to our choices on what we eat if we must go to a fast food restaurant. Some of the choices you can make: Have a salad with the dressing on the side, Burger King’s fries with not salt, have the condiments on the side or none, choose a burger with no bacon or cheese, have their oatmeal option with fruit on top, a veggie burger instead of meat, grilled instead of fried and have juice instead of soda. There are many things that we can choose to eat that will make our visit to these two places healthier. Both places provide brochures on the nutritional value on their meals, take time to check them out and see what you are eating. Burger King and McDonald’s are very similar in many ways, but do have differences. Just depending on what your taste buds are, if you want it made your way, or if you want a bigger burger. These will assist in determining to which company fits best to your desires. The salad option, McDonald’s is the way to go. They have best options in this category, but remember to go for the grilled instead of fried and have that dressing on the side. Just remember it is our choice to what we are putting in our body. References Associated Press. â€Å"McDonald's profit climbs 27 percent. †MSNBC. October 19, 2007. Retrieved November 26th 2011. Written by Associated Press on November 15, 2011 4:35 pm. http://newsone. com/author/associatedpress3/ Brandau, Mark (28 March 2011). â€Å"BK’s Chidsey to resign in April†. Nation's Restaurant news. Burger King Corporation. 2007, www. k. com, Retrieved November 26th 2011. Cordal, Ina Paiva; Walker, Elaine (28 October 2010). â€Å"Burger King Ousts top staff†. Miami Herald. 2010 10-K SEC Filing, Burger King Corporation, 30 June 2010, pp. 38-40. Hogan, David (1997). Selling 'em by the Sack: White Castle and the Creation of American Food. New York: New York University Press. Jakle, John A. ; Sculle, Keith A. ; Pappas (1999). Fast Food: Roa dside Restaurants in the Automobile Age (1st ed. ). JHU Press. pp. 116–117. ISBN 080186920X. â€Å"Mathew Burns of Long Beach, California, and Kieth g. Kramer, Burn's stepson and owner of a Daytona Beach, Florida drive in, founded Insta-Burger King, Burger King's predecessor. †Kroc, Ray and Anderson, Robert (1977). Grinding It Out: The Making of McDonald's. Chicago: Contemporary Books. Levinstein, Harvey (2003). Paradox of Plenty: a Social History of Eating in Modern America. Berkeley: University of California P, 2003. 228-229. Luxenberg, Stan (1985). Roadside Empires: How the Chains Franchised America. New York: Viking, 1985. Mcginley, Lou Ellen with Stephanie Spurr (2004). Honk for Service: A Man, A Tray and the Glory Days of the Drive-In Restaurant†. Tray Days Publishing. Schlosser, Eric (2005). â€Å"Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All American Meal†HarperCollins Publishers. www. chapters. indigo. ca/books/Fast-Food-Nation. Retrieved November 25th, 2011. Thottam, Jyoti (June 6, 2005). â€Å"Fast Food Face-Off. †Time Online Magazine. Read more at Suite101: Which Fast Food is Better: McDonalds o r Burger King? | Suite101. com http://tasha-kelley. suite101. com/which-fast-food-is-better–McDonald’s-or-burger-king
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